How Skipping Meals Makes You Younger | Summary and Q&A

May 6, 2022
The Knowledge Project Podcast
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How Skipping Meals Makes You Younger


Fasting can activate epigenetic regulators, known as sirtuins, which can slow down the aging process and improve overall health.

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Key Insights

  • 😑 Fasting activates sirtuins, which can slow down the aging process by regulating gene expression.
  • 💨 Mimicking adversity through various fasting methods can also activate sirtuins and improve overall health.
  • 💨 Optimal fasting periods vary for individuals, but fasting for at least 14 hours can provide health benefits.
  • 🥳 Extended fasts of three to four days can trigger autophagy, a protein recycling process with anti-aging benefits.
  • 💨 Fasting should not be taken to the extreme, and proper nutrition and hydration are crucial.
  • 😅 Timing of meals is important, as studies have shown that when we eat matters as much as what we eat.
  • 🩸 Blood tests in humans have indicated that fasting can lead to beneficial changes, such as improved blood glucose levels and hormone regulation.


what i'm working on is not about keeping people older at the end of life and alive for longer it's the opposite we're keeping animals and increasingly we're showing with people that you can keep them younger for longer so that when you're 80 you can actually be 60. we're all interested to some extent some people more than others and living a long t... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does fasting activate the sirtuins gene and slow down the aging process?

Fasting triggers a response in the body where it perceives adversity, leading to the activation of sirtuins, which regulate gene expression and maintain the epigenome, ultimately slowing down the aging process.

Q: Is there an optimal fasting period to maximize the benefits?

While optimal fasting periods differ for each person, fasting for at least 14 hours can provide health benefits. Extended fasts of three to four days can trigger autophagy, a process that recycles proteins and has anti-aging benefits.

Q: Can fasting negatively impact health if taken to the extreme?

Fasting should not be taken to the extreme, as malnutrition or starvation would be detrimental to health. However, with proper nutrition and hydration, fasting can be beneficial and safe for most individuals.

Q: Does when we eat matter as much as what we eat?

Yes, timing of meals is crucial. Studies have shown that giving the same food to mice within a specific window of time every day resulted in significantly longer lifespans, regardless of the macronutrient composition of the diet.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Fasting activates sirtuins, a set of genes that control the epigenome and regulate gene expression, allowing for a slower aging process.

  • Mimicking adversity, such as skipping meals, eating less protein, experiencing hot and cold temperatures, and consuming a Mediterranean-type diet, can also activate sirtuins and improve health.

  • Optimal fasting periods differ for individuals, but fasting for at least 14 hours can provide health benefits, while extended fasts of three to four days can trigger autophagy, a protein recycling process with anti-aging benefits.

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