How I survived murder and gave myself permission to live | Nadja Ensink Teich | TEDxTwenteU | Summary and Q&A

June 17, 2024
TEDx Talks
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How I survived murder and gave myself permission to live | Nadja Ensink Teich | TEDxTwenteU


A widow turns grief into empowerment by traveling the world with her young daughter, finding joy in life again.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ₯Ί Tragic loss can lead to a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
  • πŸ‘Ά Travel can be a transformative experience, offering new perspectives and healing.
  • πŸ˜ƒ Overcoming grief requires courage to face emotions and find joy in life.
  • πŸ«’ Permission to grieve is essential before giving oneself permission to live fully.
  • πŸ˜ƒ Creating meaningful memories and embracing joy can aid in healing and growth.
  • πŸ₯Ί Courage comes from facing emotions and challenges, leading to personal growth.
  • πŸ₯° Empowerment can be found in unexpected places, like traveling with loved ones.


my life changed from one second to the next my husband got stabbed to death right outside a front door with a kitchen knife our baby girl was 11 days old my husband just wanted to post the birth announcement ques a stranger who was suffering from a psychosis was walking down the road with a 30 cm long kitchen knife and was hearing voices in his hea... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the widow's life change after her husband's tragic death?

The widow's life changed drastically, from becoming a grieving widow with a newborn to facing her husband's murderer in court, leading her to seek a new path towards healing and empowerment through travel.

Q: What inspired the widow to embark on a year-long journey across Asia with her daughter?

The widow was inspired by a desire to show her daughter the world and find joy in life again, feeling weighed down by grief and seeking a new perspective through travel.

Q: How did the widow cope with moments of grief and longing during her travels?

The widow faced moments of intense grief and longing, especially when seeing families enjoying simple moments, but she found strength in moving forward and embracing the beauty of life amidst her emotions.

Q: How did the widow's journey across Africa further contribute to her healing and self-discovery?

The journey across Africa deepened the widow's sense of empowerment and joy, offering new experiences and challenges that allowed her to fully embrace life, create lasting memories, and find courage in her journey.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Widow loses husband to a senseless attack, becomes a grieving mother, and faces the murderer in court.

  • Decides to travel the world with her daughter to overcome grief and find joy and empowerment.

  • Finds healing and courage in travel, experiencing emotional growth and creating precious memories.

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