HOW I READ! | Summary and Q&A

February 7, 2014
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A booktuber answers questions about how she discovers new books, her reading habits, and her thoughts on book endings.

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Key Insights

  • 📔 The booktuber finds new books by exploring the "customers who also bought this" section on book websites.
  • 🫠 She got into reading after being envious of a friend reading a book series and fell in love with it.
  • 📔 Her taste in books has remained consistent, still enjoying creepy books.
  • 📔 The booktuber supports the book industry by buying books around three times a month.
  • 🏣 She discovered the booktube community through a booktuber who made videos and blog posts about it.
  • 😫 The booktuber can get frustrated and upset when she doesn't like the ending of a book.
  • 🫣 She prefers not to take sneak peeks at the end of the book to maintain the element of surprise.


hey guys today I'm gonna be doing the how I read tag I was tagged by a few people firstly I was tagged by Heather over at book bowls and secondly I was tagged by Jamie and mr. cool cat Jeff at Omaha Girt books perks I can't say it I will leave a link to both of their channels down below Jeff really likes shoutouts so Jeff this is your shoutout you ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the booktuber find out about new books to read?

The booktuber finds new books by looking at the "customers who also bought this" list on book websites and browsing through the covers.

Q: How did the booktuber get into reading?

The booktuber became interested in reading after seeing a friend reading a series of unfortunate events, which sparked her curiosity. She begged her mom to let her get the book and ended up loving it.

Q: Has the booktuber's taste in books changed as she got older?

The booktuber's taste in books has not changed much. She still enjoys reading mostly young adult and children's literature, and she still enjoys creepy books.

Q: How often does the booktuber buy books?

The booktuber goes book shopping around three times a month, either online or in physical bookstores, because she loves supporting the book industry and her favorite authors.

Q: How did the booktuber discover the booktube community?

The booktuber found out about the booktube community through a booktuber named Kaley, who made videos and blog posts about it. She became obsessed and wanted to join in the fun.

Q: How does the booktuber react when she doesn't like the end of a book?

The booktuber can get frustrated and upset when she doesn't like the ending of a book, as she invests a lot of time in the story. She may vent her frustrations to her bookish friends.

Q: How often does the booktuber take a little sneak peek at the end of the book?

The booktuber doesn't often take a sneak peek at the end of a book because she prefers to be surprised and enjoy the journey of the story.

Q: Who will the booktuber tag for the How I Read tag?

The booktuber tags booksupdone and MaureenKibui to do the How I Read tag.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The booktuber discusses how she finds new books by scrolling through the "customers who also bought this" list on book websites.

  • She became interested in reading after seeing a friend reading a series of unfortunate events and fell in love with the series.

  • Her taste in books hasn't changed much as she still enjoys creepy books, and she buys books around three times a month.

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