How does antivirus affect gaming performance? | Summary and Q&A

October 12, 2023
The PC Security Channel
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How does antivirus affect gaming performance?


Testing the Nordon 360 Gamer Edition antivirus and comparing it to Windows Defender and F-Secure to determine if antivirus software affects gaming performance.

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Key Insights

  • 🆓 Antivirus software, including the Nordon 360 Gamer Edition, Windows Defender, and F-Secure, did not have a noticeable impact on gaming performance.
  • 😎 Other factors like room temperature and cooling solutions have a more significant effect on gaming experience.
  • 👾 CPU-intensive games are less affected by background processes, as the GPU becomes the bottleneck in modern games.
  • 📁 Antivirus software performance is more relevant in scenarios involving file scanning and malware detection.
  • 👾 The choice of games for benchmarking should consider CPU-intensiveness and consistent benchmarking tools.
  • ✋ An antivirus software's impact on gaming performance decreases with higher CPU specifications.
  • 👤 Users should not pay for gamer edition software claiming to improve gaming performance, as it has minimal to no impact.


when one of our community members mentioned that they got a nordan 360 Gamer Edition I was very curious cuz I didn't know that antiviruses would have anything to do with gaming so that's what we're going to test today what impact does the AV on your system including Windows Defender have on gaming if any and is there a difference in terms of what a... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Does antivirus software, specifically the Nordon 360 Gamer Edition, improve gaming performance?

No, the testing showed that antivirus software, including the gamer edition, made no notable difference in gaming performance. Factors like GPU quality and power have a more significant impact.

Q: Are older games more impacted by antivirus software?

No, the choice of games did not affect the results. The CPU-intensiveness of the games was crucial for determining the impact of antivirus software on gaming performance.

Q: Do antivirus software programs like Nordon 360 Gamer Edition affect CPU usage?

The benchmarking tests showed no notable difference in CPU usage across the tested antivirus software, including the gamer edition. CPU-intensive games were not significantly impacted.

Q: Are there any scenarios where antivirus software can affect gaming performance?

Antivirus software may have an impact on performance when scanning new files or during malware attacks. However, the efficiency and programming of the software play a significant role in determining the impact.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The content explores the impact of antivirus software on gaming performance using the Nordon 360 Gamer Edition, Windows Defender, and F-Secure as test subjects.

  • Two games, Far Cry 5 and Civilization 6, are benchmarked to measure any differences in FPS and turn time.

  • Results show that antivirus software, including the gamer edition, made no significant difference in gaming performance, and other factors such as room temperature and cooling solutions play a more significant role.

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