How Discord Became a Developer Platform | Summary and Q&A

June 23, 2024
The a16z Podcast
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How Discord Became a Developer Platform


Discord's platform, with over 200 million monthly active users, has become a hub for community-driven product development and has opened up new possibilities for developers to create interactive experiences and games.

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Key Insights

  • 😀 Discord's platform has grown from a communication app for gamers to a thriving ecosystem for community-driven product development.
  • 🥺 The extensibility of Discord's platform has led to the emergence of new companies and genres built entirely on the platform.
  • 😀 The release of embeddable apps has expanded the possibilities for developers to create rich, interactive experiences.
  • 👀 Discord's focus on fostering connections and providing customization options has resonated with developers looking to create unique experiences for their users.


that's the story of of our kind of creative progress as a as as humanity is like people build these tools which enables the next group of people to to focus on a higher level set of problems just in the last 3 weeks since launch developers have built over 20,000 new activities on the platform that's generating 4 billion minutes of us interaction pe... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Discord evolve from a communication app for gamers to a thriving platform for developers?

Discord's co-founder and CEO, Jason Citron, recognized the growing importance of multiplayer gaming and the need for a communication app that could span different platforms and devices. By actively involving the community in product development and providing open API access, Discord created an ecosystem that fosters creativity and innovation.

Q: What are some examples of companies built entirely on Discord?

One notable example is Mid Journey, a generative AI text-to-image model tool. Other examples include apps for text-to-music experiences, interactive entertainment, and gaming. Discord's extensibility has allowed developers to create unique and customized experiences on the platform.

Q: How has Discord's recent release of embeddable apps impacted developers?

The release of embeddable apps has opened up new possibilities for developers to go beyond the text-based interface and build rich, interactive experiences powered by HTML5. This enables developers to create games, entertainment, and other customized features that leverage the social context and shared spaces of Discord's platform.

Q: What is the significance of the feedback loop between developers and users on Discord?

Discord's platform allows for a direct feedback loop between developers and users, enabling co-creation and collaboration. This close interaction helps shape the development of products and allows developers to refine their offerings based on user feedback, resulting in a more user-centric and enjoyable experience.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Discord was initially created as a communication app for gamers, but it has evolved into a platform for community-driven product development and creative expression.

  • The platform's open API and extensibility have allowed developers to build over 20,000 new activities, generating four billion minutes of user interaction per day.

  • Discord's focus on fostering connections among users and providing tools for customization and integration has led to the emergence of entirely new companies and genres built on the platform.

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