Hiring Nurses During a Global Pandemic | How I Built This with Guy Raz | NPR | Summary and Q&A

November 19, 2020
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Hiring Nurses During a Global Pandemic | How I Built This with Guy Raz | NPR

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In this episode of "How I Built This: Resilience Edition," Guy Raz interviews Dr. Iman Abuzeid, the co-founder and CEO of Incredible Health. Incredible Health is a digital platform that connects nurses with hospitals for job opportunities, making the hiring process quicker and more efficient. Dr. Abuzeid discusses the nursing shortage, the impact of the pandemic on healthcare, and the strategies used by Incredible Health to streamline the hiring process.

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Incredible Health work?

Incredible Health is a venture-backed career marketplace for healthcare workers. Hospitals and health systems use the platform and custom matching technology to hire permanent nurses in just 15 days, compared to the industry average of 90 days. By allowing hospitals to apply to the nurses instead of the other way around, the platform provides a better experience for nurses and helps address the nursing shortage.

Q: How does hospitals applying for nurses help with the nursing shortage?

The nursing shortage is a significant challenge in the healthcare industry. By changing the traditional hiring model and having hospitals apply to nurses, Incredible Health accelerates the hiring process. The platform also uses software and automation to screen and custom match nurses to the right employers. These innovative approaches address the challenges of the nursing shortage and have been adopted by over 250 hospitals and health systems across the country.

Q: How has the pandemic affected the demand for nurses?

The pandemic has significantly increased the demand for nurses, particularly in specific areas like ICU and ED nursing. Initially, there was a decrease in demand due to canceled surgeries, but since July, the demand for every nursing role has dramatically increased. Hospitals are operating at full capacity and dealing with the ongoing effects of the pandemic, leading to a higher demand for nurses in all specialties.

Q: How has Incredible Health positioned itself to meet the increased demand during the pandemic?

Incredible Health responded to the increased demand by launching the Pandemic Hiring Suite, which includes features and tools to further accelerate the hiring process. These features include automated interview scheduling, remote interviewing, in-app chat, and enhanced matching algorithms. By reducing costs and facilitating remote hiring, the platform helps hospitals hire nurses faster and more efficiently.

Q: How has the pandemic impacted the healthcare industry as a whole?

The pandemic has brought about rapid decision-making and adoption of new solutions in the healthcare industry. Historically known for red tape and bureaucracy, healthcare providers have been forced to adapt quickly. The adoption of telemedicine and operational infrastructure, like Incredible Health, has been accelerated. This shift toward faster decision-making and innovation has been unprecedented.

Q: Do you think telemedicine will be the predominant form of medical care in the future?

Telemedicine is likely here to stay. The pandemic has proven the value of telemedicine and its potential to improve patient experiences. The healthcare industry needs to focus on customer service and adapt to patients' preferences. As reimbursement policies evolve and more people adopt telemedicine, it will become a standard form of medical care. However, challenges remain, such as limited access for certain communities without internet and device capabilities.

Q: How has the pandemic changed Incredible Health's overall strategy?

The pandemic prompted Incredible Health to reprioritize and reconfigure its product roadmap to meet the needs of hospitals and nurses during this crisis. They introduced features like remote interviewing, automated interview scheduling, and in-app chat through their Pandemic Hiring Suite. Additionally, the company adjusted its geographic expansion plans based on the pandemic's impact on different regions.

Q: How does Incredible Health address bias in the hiring process?

Incredible Health acknowledges and measures bias within its platform. They collect demographic data to identify any bias and then implement best practices to reduce it. These practices include interviewer training, adjusting sourcing methodologies, using avatars instead of profile pictures, and implementing random sorting to ensure equal opportunity for all candidates.

Q: Do you think now is a good time to start a business or pursue entrepreneurship?

Dr. Abuzeid believes that starting a business is an incredible opportunity for personal growth and learning. Entrepreneurship offers unique experiences and skill development. Although there are challenges and risks, working a traditional job is not foolproof either, as there have been significant layoffs this year. With the right resilience and dedication, starting a business can be a rewarding and exciting career path.

Q: How has Dr. Abuzeid addressed the mental health and well-being of her team during the pandemic?

Dr. Abuzeid and her team have implemented several strategies to support the mental health and well-being of their employees. They emphasize communication, understanding, and flexibility. Acknowledging the challenges of remote work, they provided a work-from-home stipend to set up home offices. Additionally, they increased intentional communication touchpoints like weekly hangouts, game afternoons, and coffee sessions. The team's mental health is a priority for Incredible Health.

Q: How does Incredible Health ensure interviews are conducted fairly?

Incredible Health has developed rigorous interview practices to eliminate bias and ensure fairness. Interviewers follow guidelines and specific questions to prevent subjective judgments based on cultural fit or personal biases. They also incorporate case studies and presentations to assess a range of skills. For nurses specifically, Incredible Health provides detailed interview preparation guides to help them present themselves professionally and maximize their chances of success.


The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the demand for nurses and accelerated the adoption of innovative solutions in the healthcare industry. Incredible Health has played a significant role in addressing the nursing shortage and streamlining the hiring process. Their platform allows hospitals to apply to nurses, reducing the average hiring time to just 15 days. By providing advanced features and tools, such as automated interview scheduling and remote interviewing, Incredible Health has helped hospitals hire nurses quickly and efficiently. Telemedicine has also emerged as a prominent form of medical care, with the potential to improve patient experiences. The pandemic has prompted rapid decision-making and adaptation within the healthcare industry, emphasizing the need for resilience and innovation. Starting a business, despite the challenges and risks, offers unique opportunities for growth and learning. It is essential to address bias in the hiring process by measuring and implementing best practices that ensure fairness and equal opportunities. Supporting employee mental health and well-being is crucial during challenging times, and fostering open communication and flexibility can contribute to a healthier work environment.

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