Susan Griffin-Black Talks EO Products, Pivoting to Hand Sanitizers, and Essential Oil Rituals | Summary and Q&A

April 26, 2020
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Susan Griffin-Black Talks EO Products, Pivoting to Hand Sanitizers, and Essential Oil Rituals

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In this video, Guy Raz interviews Susan Griffin-Black, the co-founder of EO Products, a company that produces soaps, essential oils, and hand sanitizers. They discuss how the company is coping with the current crisis and the creative ways they are ensuring their business continues to run smoothly. They also touch on the importance of self-care during these challenging times.

Questions & Answers

Q: Where is Susan Griffin-Black currently located?

Susan Griffin-Black is currently in her office in San Rafael, Marin County, California.

Q: Is EO Products considered an essential business?

Yes, EO Products is considered an essential business as they produce hand sanitizers and soaps.

Q: Has EO Products focused solely on producing hand sanitizers and soaps during this crisis?

Yes, the company has devoted its production to primarily hand sanitizers, with hand soaps as supporting products.

Q: Are there any challenges with the supply chain for the alcohol used in hand sanitizers?

The supply chain for alcohol is facing some challenges, but EO Products has established relationships with suppliers in Brazil and the United States to ensure a steady supply.

Q: Has EO Products ramped up its hiring to meet the increased demand for hand sanitizers?

EO Products has hired additional staff through temp agencies to support production, but they try to prioritize internal staff for the production process.

Q: How is the company maintaining health and safety measures at the workplace?

EO Products has implemented daily check-ins, check-ups, and sanitizers throughout the workplace. They are also observing social distancing protocols and providing masks and other protective equipment for employees.

Q: How is EO Products communicating its brand message during this crisis?

The company is focusing its communication on health, safety, and connection. They prioritize sharing relevant information from authoritative sources like the CDC and WHO to support customers' well-being.

Q: Has EO Products made its hand sanitizers available to frontline healthcare workers and other essential workers?

EO Products has donated hand sanitizers to emergency rooms, firemen, and local governments. They have also distributed hand sanitizers to supermarkets, restaurants, and individuals, wherever there is a need.

Q: With the significant increase in hand sanitizer production, how does EO Products manage inventory and quality control?

EO Products has committed to quadrupling its inventory to meet the demand. They also collaborate with a contract manufacturer to scale up production. Quality control is a priority to ensure the efficacy of the products.

Q: How do you see this crisis changing people's approach to health and self-care?

Susan believes that this crisis will realign people's priorities towards a more human and healthy way of life. People will value their health, slow down, and focus on self-care and well-being.

Q: As an expert in communications, how can someone struggling with motivation and purpose find inspiration during this crisis?

Taking breaks from news consumption, spending time in nature, and practicing self-care activities like meditation and yoga can help regain motivation and find a sense of purpose. Focusing on helping others and making a positive impact can also be motivating.


The conversation with Susan Griffin-Black highlights the challenges and strategies EO Products is implementing to cope with the crisis. The company has prioritized the production of hand sanitizers and soaps as an essential business. They have faced challenges in the supply chain but are working closely with suppliers to meet the increased demand. EO Products is committed to maintaining health and safety protocols at the workplace and has donated their products to essential workers and the general public. The crisis has emphasized the importance of self-care and health, prompting people to realign their priorities. Finding motivation and purpose during these times can be achieved through taking breaks from news, engaging in self-care activities, and focusing on helping others.

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