Daniel Humm Converted His Three-Star Michelin Restaurant To A Soup Kitchen | Summary and Q&A

April 22, 2020
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Daniel Humm Converted His Three-Star Michelin Restaurant To A Soup Kitchen

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In this video edition of "How I Built This," Chef Daniel Humm discusses how he transformed his world-renowned Michelin-star restaurant, Eleven Madison Park, into an emergency kitchen during the COVID-19 crisis. He shares his journey of adapting to the new circumstances, finding a new purpose, and reimagining the future of fine dining.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Chef Daniel Humm transform Eleven Madison Park into an emergency kitchen?

Chef Humm explains that when the COVID-19 crisis hit, he realized the need to adapt and help the community. He went on bike rides to clear his mind, explored different ideas, and eventually came up with the concept of turning his restaurant into an emergency kitchen. He leveraged his contacts, kitchen facilities, and experience to set up the operation quickly.

Q: What inspired Chef Humm to dive into this new direction?

Chef Humm shares that he always had a deep connection with food and understood its power to bring people together. In this crisis, with his restaurant closing and having to lay off many staff members, he saw an opportunity to use food to make a positive impact and help those in need. He found a renewed love for food and a new purpose that aligned with his values.

Q: How many meals is Eleven Madison Park currently producing every day?

Chef Humm mentions that they are currently producing 3,000 meals per day at Eleven Madison Park. Additionally, they activated the second kitchen of their fast-casual restaurant, making an additional 2,000 meals per day. In total, they are producing 5,000 meals per day to support hospital workers, homeless shelters, and other individuals in need.

Q: Where are the meals being distributed?

Chef Humm partnered with organizations like Rethink Food and Frontline Foods to distribute the meals. The meals are delivered to hospitals, senior homes, front-line workers, and communities impacted by the crisis. The goal is to ensure that everyone who needs a meal can have access to one.

Q: How is Eleven Madison Park funding these efforts?

Chef Humm mentions that they initially received funding from their corporate partner, American Express, who acted quickly to support their initiative. They also raised funds through creative means, such as hosting auctions where people could bid on private dinners and other experiences. The money raised supports the staff and the operation of the emergency kitchen.

Q: What changes does Chef Humm envision for the future of fine dining?

Chef Humm believes that there will always be a place for high-quality, artistic fine dining experiences. However, he also sees the need for restaurants to adapt and evolve, focusing on timeliness, sustainability, and inclusivity. He envisions a future where fine dining establishments prioritize serving everyone and sharing the experience of food with a broader audience.

Q: How has this crisis impacted Chef Humm personally and professionally?

Chef Humm explains that this crisis has had a profound impact on him. It has made him reevaluate his purpose and find a new sense of meaning in his work. It has inspired him to create a restaurant that can serve both the privileged and the underprivileged, breaking down barriers and making food accessible to all. He believes that this experience will inform the rest of his career.

Q: How can individuals help in supporting initiatives like Chef Humm's emergency kitchen?

Chef Humm suggests donating to organizations like Frontline Foods, Rethink Food, and World Central Kitchen, which are working tirelessly to provide meals to those in need. Additionally, if someone has excess food that they don't know what to do with, they can reach out to these organizations to see how they can contribute.

Q: Is Chef Humm working harder than ever before during this crisis?

Chef Humm shares that the initial days of setting up the emergency kitchen were challenging, as he had to convince staff members to come back and work under the new circumstances. However, once things started to fall into place, he found the work to be incredibly gratifying. Although it is demanding and he is working long hours, he is driven by the impact he is making and the sense of purpose it gives him.

Q: How has the crisis changed the way Chef Humm views his work?

Chef Humm expresses that this crisis has brought clarity and a new perspective to his work. It has made him realize that his true goal is to create a restaurant that can feed everyone, where no one is excluded. He wants to share his experience and the power of food with a wider, more diverse audience, and make a lasting difference in the world.


Chef Daniel Humm's journey of transforming Eleven Madison Park into an emergency kitchen showcases the resilience and adaptability of businesses during the COVID-19 crisis. He demonstrates the power of food to unite people and make a tangible difference in the community. This crisis has pushed him to reimagine the future of fine dining, with a focus on inclusivity and sustainability. It is a reminder that even in challenging times, there is an opportunity to rethink and create meaningful change.

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