Health and Safety in Construction: A Visual History | The B1M | Summary and Q&A

June 28, 2017
The B1M
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Health and Safety in Construction: A Visual History | The B1M


Construction industry has made significant progress in improving health and safety standards since the 19th century, but more work needs to be done to address occupational health issues.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 Railway construction in the 19th century had high death rates, leading to public outcry and government action.
  • 🙈 The construction industry saw slow progress in health and safety until the 1960s.
  • 🦺 Regulations and campaigns in the 1980s and 1990s improved safety through the use of PPE, risk assessments, and coordinated safety approaches.
  • 👷 The London Olympic Park construction project in 2012 demonstrated the potential for zero fatalities and improved safety measures.


in the 19th century when a visa Building the UK's railways 3 workers died for every mile of track laid with the death rate rising much higher in tunneling sections since this time great strides have been made to improve health and safety on construction sites we take a look back at the key moments that have shaped today's higher standards Woodhead ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What were the main causes of worker deaths in the 19th century construction projects?

In the 19th century, worker deaths in construction were mainly caused by accidents during railway construction, including tunneling and unsanitary living conditions leading to diseases like cholera.

Q: When did attitudes towards health and safety begin to change in the construction industry?

Attitudes towards health and safety in the construction industry began to change in the 1960s, but significant improvements were only observed in the 1980s and 1990s.

Q: How did the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) improve in the construction industry?

In the 1990s, regulations were introduced to enforce the use of PPE in the construction sector, leading to increased awareness and compliance. The Construction Design and Management (CDM) regulations in 1994 also emphasized the need for coordinated safety approaches.

Q: What role did the London Olympic Park construction project play in improving safety standards?

The London Olympic Park construction project in 2012 showcased exemplary safety standards with zero fatalities and a lower accident frequency rate than the industry average. It demonstrated the importance of planning, training, and remaining vigilant in ensuring worker safety.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • In the 19th century, the death rate among railway workers was high, leading to a government inquiry and the establishment of laws to protect workers' health and welfare.

  • Progress in health and safety standards was slow until the 1960s, with the construction sector recording a high number of fatal accidents.

  • Campaigns and regulations in the 1980s and 1990s improved safety, with the introduction of personal protective equipment (PPE), risk assessments, and coordination of safety approaches among clients, designers, and contractors.

  • The London Olympic Park construction project in 2012 demonstrated exemplary safety standards, but the industry still faces challenges in reducing fatal injuries and improving occupational health.

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