Harvey Silverglate: Freedom of Speech | Lex Fridman Podcast #377 | Summary and Q&A

May 15, 2023
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Harvey Silverglate: Freedom of Speech | Lex Fridman Podcast #377


Free speech is crucial for a democratic society, even if it means allowing hate speech, as it promotes honest expression, diversity of ideas, and a robust decision-making process.

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Key Insights

  • 🗽 Key Insight 1: Freedom of speech is the most important right that Americans have, enshrined in the First Amendment. It is crucial for a democratic society to flourish and allows for the clash of ideas and the pursuit of truth.
  • 📚 Key Insight 2: Harvey Silverglate, co-founder of FIRE, advocates for free speech in all aspects of society and believes that hate speech is just as important, if not more so, than love speech. He argues that it is necessary to know who dislikes or opposes you.
  • 🎓 Key Insight 3: The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) has taken on the role of dealing with free speech issues not only on college campuses, but also in society generally. They focus on protecting free speech, academic freedom, and due process.
  • 🎙️ Key Insight 4: The Lex Fridman Podcast aims to be a platform for free discourse, allowing ideas to be explored, challenged, and debated in a thoughtful and empathetic manner. Difficult conversations are seen as essential for healing divides and shedding light on the dark parts of human history and nature.
  • 📚 Key Insight 5: Freedom of speech is especially important on college campuses, where education and the development of critical thinking skills take place. Without free speech, the educational enterprise is hindered, and students are not exposed to the clash of ideas necessary for growth and understanding.
  • 🎓 Key Insight 6: Harvey Silverglate is running for the Harvard Board of Overseers and aims to advocate for free speech and reduce the size of Harvard's administrative bureaucracy. Voting takes place online, and he encourages Harvard alumni to participate in supporting freedom of speech on campus.
  • 🏫 Key Insight 7: Harvey Silverglate believes that there is a problem with the increase in administrative bureaucracy on college campuses, as administrators tend to prioritize control and protecting individuals from feeling insulted, rather than upholding free speech and academic freedom.
  • ✊ Key Insight 8: Silverglate opposes the concept of diversity, inclusion, and equity (DIE) programs, arguing that they cover up the wound of inadequate elementary and secondary education and divert attention from the need to improve these systems. He believes that focusing on providing quality education for all students would have a greater impact on equality.


  • It is the most important right that Americans have. It's not a coincidence or an accident that it's named in the First Amendment to the Constitution. Without it, no democratic society can be democratic, for long. And I'm an absolutist. That is, I believe that, for example, people say to me, "But what about hate speech?" Well, hate speech is much ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why does Harvey Silverglate believe that hate speech is more important than love speech?

Harvey Silverglate argues that hate speech is crucial because it allows individuals to identify who they should not trust or turn their back on. He believes that understanding this information is necessary for personal safety and a functioning democratic society.

Q: How does Harvey Silverglate define freedom of speech?

Harvey Silverglate sees freedom of speech as the most important right Americans have, named in the First Amendment to the Constitution. He believes that this right is crucial for a democratic society to thrive, and without it, no democracy can last.

Q: How does Harvey Silverglate view the role of universities in protecting free speech?

Harvey Silverglate believes that universities have a vital role in protecting free speech because they are where young citizens are educated. He argues that colleges and universities should encourage the clash of ideas and allow students to challenge existing beliefs to promote critical thinking and personal growth.

Q: What does Harvey Silverglate suggest as a solution to address the limitations on free speech on college campuses?

Harvey Silverglate argues for reducing the size of university administrations and getting rid of speech codes that limit free expression. He believes that reducing the influence of administrators and fostering academic freedom will lead to a more diverse and open environment for free speech on campuses.

Q: How does Harvey Silverglate view the relationship between freedom of speech and freedom of thought?

Harvey Silverglate sees freedom of speech and freedom of thought as interconnected. In a free society, thoughts are expressed through speech, and limiting speech can ultimately lead to limiting thought. Therefore, he believes that censorship of speech can lead to a censorship of thought, which negatively impacts a democratic society.

Q: How does Harvey Silverglate explain universities' role in protecting the rights of controversial figures like Jordan Peterson?

Harvey Silverglate argues that universities have an absolute obligation to protect the academic freedom of all faculty members, even those with controversial views. He believes that the clash of ideas and diverse perspectives is essential for personal growth and societal progress.

Q: What is Harvey Silverglate's view on diversity inclusion and equity programs in universities?

Harvey Silverglate believes that diversity inclusion and equity programs can sometimes hinder freedom of speech on campuses. He argues that universities should focus on improving elementary and secondary education to address the underlying issues of inequality rather than relying on these programs to compensate for the failures of the educational system.


In this video, Harvey Silverglate, a free speech advocate and co-founder of FIRE, discusses the importance of freedom of speech and the challenges it faces in today's society. He emphasizes the importance of free speech in a democratic society and argues against censorship, even when it comes to hate speech. Silverglate also discusses the role of universities, specifically in protecting free speech and academic freedom. He advocates for reducing the size of university administrations and promoting a more open and diverse discourse on campus. Lastly, Silverglate talks about his candidacy for the Harvard Board of Overseers and his goal of advocating for free speech and reducing bureaucracy at Harvard.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is freedom of speech?

Freedom of speech is the most important right that Americans have, recognized and protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution. It is crucial for a democratic society to function properly and enables individuals to express themselves freely without fear of censorship. It allows for the open exchange of ideas and opinions, even if they are controversial or offensive. Silverglate is an absolutist in his belief of free speech, stating that hate speech is just as important, if not more important, than love speech, as it helps us understand whom we should avoid and allows for robust dialogue and different perspectives.

Q: How do universities play a role in protecting freedom of speech?

Universities have a crucial role to play in protecting freedom of speech, especially since they are responsible for educating the young citizens of society. Free speech is particularly important in academia and college campuses, as it is a place where ideas should be challenged and debated. Academic freedom and the clash of ideas are central to the educational experience, and censorship or restrictions on speech can harm the overall learning environment. Unfortunately, universities have increasingly been taken over by administrators who prioritize control and order over free speech. Silverglate argues for the need to reduce the influence of administrators, abolish speech codes, and uphold academic freedom on college campuses.

Q: What is free speech absolutism?

Free speech absolutism is the belief that there should be very few limits on freedom of speech. Silverglate is an absolutist and believes that free speech should be protected even when it comes to hate speech or offensive ideas. He argues that the purpose of free speech is to allow for the expression of honest views, and limiting speech because it might make someone feel bad is detrimental to the principles of free speech. However, he acknowledges that there are some exceptions to free speech, such as defamation or direct threats, but these exceptions should be narrowly defined and applied.

Q: How does the internet challenge freedom of speech and freedom of reach?

The internet has revolutionized communication and brought new challenges to the realm of free speech. It has made speech more viral and allowed it to spread quickly to a large number of people. However, with this freedom comes responsibility. Silverglate argues that the principles of free speech should apply to the internet as they do to other forms of communication. While there may be harmful or offensive content online, the solution is not to censor or restrict speech but to promote a culture where individuals can engage in meaningful dialogue and counter speech they disagree with. The clash of ideas is essential in a free society, and the internet should not be treated differently in terms of free speech rights.

Q: Why is freedom of speech important on college campuses?

Freedom of speech is of utmost importance on college campuses because it is where young citizens are educated and exposed to different ideas and perspectives. The purpose of a college education is to challenge and question the beliefs we grew up with, and this can only be done in an environment of free speech and academic freedom. When speech is censored or restricted on campuses, it hinders the educational process and prevents students from critically engaging with different viewpoints. Silverglate argues that universities should be places where ideas are freely exchanged and debated, rather than stifled.

Q: What is administrative bloat and why is it problematic in universities?

Administrative bloat refers to the excessive growth and influence of university administrations, which has become a significant problem in many universities. The increase in the number of administrators, compared to faculty members, has led to higher costs, bureaucratic obstacles, and a shift in the priorities of universities. Administrators often prioritize control and order over academic freedom and the principles of free speech. Silverglate argues that reducing the size of university administrations and giving more power back to faculty members would lead to a more robust and free intellectual environment. It would also help reduce tuition costs and create a more affordable education system.

Q: What are the specifics of Silverglate's candidacy for the Harvard Board of Overseers?

Silverglate is running for the Harvard Board of Overseers with a write-in campaign. The election is open to Harvard alumni, who can vote online or through paper ballots requested from the Harvard Alumni Association. Silverglate's primary goal is to advocate for free speech and reduce the size of administration at Harvard. He believes that this change would have a significant positive impact on the university, promoting academic freedom and a more diverse and open discourse on campus. Silverglate's election is a chance to influence the policies and direction of Harvard towards a greater commitment to free speech and academic freedom.


Harvey Silverglate emphasizes the paramount importance of freedom of speech in American society and universities. He argues for an absolutist approach to free speech, where even hate speech is protected, as it allows for the clash of ideas and the pursuit of truth. Silverglate criticizes the increasing influence of administrators on college campuses and calls for a reduction in bureaucracy and a greater commitment to academic freedom. He opposes affirmative action and advocates for improving elementary and secondary education rather than relying on preferential admissions based on race or ethnicity. Silverglate's candidacy for the Harvard Board of Overseers seeks to make a meaningful impact on the protection of free speech and the reduction of administrative bureaucracy at Harvard.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Free speech is a fundamental right protected by the First Amendment and is crucial for a democratic society to thrive.

  • The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) fights for free speech on college campuses.

  • Universities need to protect free speech and academic freedom to promote the exchange of ideas and improve decision-making processes.

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