November 10, 2023
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Jesse the reader asks thought-provoking would you rather questions about book preferences.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Jesse has become less affected by spoilers and believes that they don't necessarily ruin the reading experience.
  • ❓ Many authors avoid killing major characters, which frustrates Jesse as she believes it is important for impactful storytelling.
  • 🫠 Jesse appreciates the importance of the beginning of a book for context and setup, but ultimately, she values reading the ending more.
  • 🐛 Bugs squished between book pages are preferable to an unknown sticky substance because at least bugs are identifiable.
  • 📔 Jesse would rather have a book with cringy dialogue than one with boring characters because she finds interesting and flawed characters more engaging.
  • 🧍 Misspellings in a book stand out more than grammar mistakes for Jesse, as she personally notices and reacts to them more.
  • 🥰 While Jesse understands the emotional impact of character deaths, she prioritizes the quality of storytelling and would sacrifice a book she loves to bring back a dead character.
  • 📔 Jesse values being able to talk about books she loves and would give up that opportunity rather than never reading those books again.
  • ✍️ Jesse's personal preference leans towards a book with a great concept but bad writing, as she believes good writing can still make a book enjoyable. Cringy dialogue is more tolerable to her than boring characters.
  • 🌍 Jesse enjoys the experience of being engrossed in a fictional world and interacting with favorite characters, even if temporarily, rather than being stuck in the real world.


today we're going to be answering questions that are sure to break a reader sounds like so much fun hey hi hello welcome back to my channel I'm Jesse and today we're going to be doing a bit of a would you rather situation mind you not just like silly fun would you rather questions really hard reader would you rather questions that will have you que... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Would you rather be spoiled for a character death or how a book series ends?

Jesse acknowledges her changing perspective on spoilers and discusses how they don't ruin the story for her. She would rather be spoiled for a character death because it allows her to protect her heart and still enjoy the story.

Q: Would you rather be forced to read the beginning of a book and not the end or forced to read the end of a book and not the beginning?

Jesse weighs the importance of context and the potential disappointment of a rushed ending. Ultimately, she chooses to force herself to read the ending, despite the potential frustration of not knowing what leads up to it.

Q: Would you rather pick up a book that is sticky or has smooshed bugs in between its pages?

Jesse emphatically chooses the book with smooshed bugs because at least she knows what the squishiness is, whereas the sticky substance could be unknown and undesirable.

Q: Would you rather tattoo a book cover on your butt cheeks or tattoo the entire text of a book all over your body?

Jesse humorously contemplates the choices and decides on tattooing the book cover on her butt cheeks rather than covering her entire body with text, although she acknowledges the potential amusement of being a walking novel.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Jesse asks a series of "would you rather" questions about book preferences, covering topics such as character deaths, spoilers, book smells, and more.

  • She shares her own thoughts and opinions on each question, discussing her personal preferences and the reasons behind them.

  • Jesse also mentions the results of polls she conducted on Instagram, revealing the opinions of her followers.

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