Hacking AI | Battista Biggio | TEDxViaTirso | Summary and Q&A

December 6, 2023
TEDx Talks
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Hacking AI | Battista Biggio | TEDxViaTirso


Artificial intelligence has revolutionized various industries, but there are challenges in ensuring trustworthy AI, including security, interpretability, privacy, and fairness.

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Key Insights

  • 🌥️ AI has experienced significant advancements due to the availability of large datasets and powerful computing resources.
  • 🔒 Adversarial examples demonstrate that AI algorithms can be easily deceived, showcasing the challenges of ensuring security and reliability.
  • ❓ Trustworthy AI requires addressing issues of interpretability, privacy, and fairness, as well as avoiding the limitations of regulating the technology itself.


we are in the middle of uh what has been defined the artificial intelligence Revolution as Andrew and G one of the most prominent researchers and scientists in AI put it AI is going to transform industry and businesses as electricity did uh roughly one century ago and we have already experienced unprecedented success when using AI in different appl... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How has the field of AI evolved over time?

The field of AI has shifted from mimicking human reasoning to building machines that can emulate human intelligence by learning from large datasets and examples.

Q: What has enabled the success of AI in recent years?

The availability of huge datasets, such as ImageNet, and the evolution of computing power, including cloud infrastructures and specialized hardware, have facilitated the progress of AI.

Q: How have machines surpassed human performance in image recognition?

Through deep learning, machines learn directly from raw image data, allowing them to improve predictions and achieve superhuman performance on tasks like image recognition.

Q: Can machines learn like humans?

No, machines learn differently from humans, relying on millions of examples and raw data. Humans do not need such extensive training to recognize objects or understand the world.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • AI has advanced significantly through the evolution of deep learning and the availability of large datasets and powerful computing resources.

  • Machines can now surpass human performance in tasks like image recognition, but they learn differently from humans, relying on millions of examples.

  • Adversarial examples demonstrate that AI algorithms can be easily fooled, and trustworthy AI is challenging to achieve in terms of security, interpretability, privacy, and fairness.

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