October 19, 2019
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Kathleen plays a game where she guesses book plots based on their titles and covers alone.

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Key Insights

  • 📔 Book titles and covers can be misleading when it comes to predicting the plot.
  • 💁 Guessing book plots based on limited information can be challenging but entertaining.
  • ❓ Some of Kathleen's guesses show creativity and imagination, even if they are not accurate.
  • 📔 The game highlights the importance of reading a book to discover its true plot, rather than relying solely on its cover or title.
  • 🎮 The video features a guest, Kathleen, who adds an element of fun and surprise to the game.
  • 📔 The game showcases different genres and book covers and introduces viewers to new book titles.
  • 🪄 Kathleen's guesses sometimes incorporate common themes found in popular books, such as magic and the supernatural.


yeah what's good reader fam welcome back to my channel today I've got a friend with me this is Kathleen and we're gonna be playing a fun little bookish game today are you ready for this do it anyway today we're gonna be playing a guest that book plot and by we're gonna be playing I mean Kathleen's gonna be playing cuz she's gonna be guessing book p... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the game that Kathleen is playing in the video?

Kathleen is playing a game where she guesses book plots based on their titles and covers alone.

Q: How well does Kathleen do in guessing the book plots?

Kathleen's guesses vary in accuracy. Some of her guesses are close to the actual plots, while others are completely off.

Q: What is the purpose of this game?

The purpose of the game is to entertain viewers and demonstrate the importance of not judging a book by its cover.

Q: What are some common elements in Kathleen's guesses?

Kathleen often incorporates themes like witches, magic, and supernatural creatures in her guesses.

Q: Is Kathleen familiar with all the books she is guessing?

It is unclear whether Kathleen is familiar with all the books she guesses, as she mentions that it has been a while since she read some of them.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Kathleen tries to guess the plots of different books based on their titles and covers.

  • Some of Kathleen's guesses are close to the actual plots, while others are way off.

  • The game is entertaining and highlights the importance of not judging a book by its cover.

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