Get More Views Than 96% Of YouTubers | Summary and Q&A

April 5, 2024
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
Get More Views Than 96% Of YouTubers


Learn the strategies content creators use to get more views on YouTube and avoid wasting time on ineffective tactics.

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Key Insights

  • 🤔 Thinking at scale and targeting a larger audience with general topics can lead to more views on YouTube.
  • 🫵 Planning thumbnails and titles before creating videos can attract viewers and improve audience retention.
  • 👨‍🔬 Verifying the interest in video ideas through Google Trends and YouTube search can ensure a demand for the content.
  • 🫵 Creating content chains and linking to playlists can encourage viewers to binge-watch more of a creator's content.
  • 🫵 Using hashtags in video descriptions can help increase visibility and attract viewers from relevant hashtag results.
  • 🎮 Publishing more content, either through shortening long videos or creating supplemental clips, can bring more attention to a creator's channel.
  • 🫵 Content creators should focus on providing a positive experience for viewers to increase the likelihood of their content being recommended by the YouTube algorithm.


if you've been watching videos on how to get views on YouTube like most new YouTubers do then you've probably ran across plenty of content where the person is claiming that they have some viral strategy or they set things up and make it look like they have some answer that you've been looking for some magic button that you can press that's going to... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can thinking at scale help content creators get more views on YouTube?

Thinking at scale involves targeting a larger audience with general topics instead of specific niche subjects. This allows for a wider appeal and potential for more views, as it doesn't require viewers to have a specific problem or interest in a specific product.

Q: Why is it important to plan thumbnails and titles before creating videos?

Thumbnails and titles create an expectation for viewers, and if they accurately represent the content, it can lead to higher audience retention. By reinforcing the ideas presented in the thumbnail and title, viewers are more likely to have a positive experience and continue watching, which can result in more views.

Q: How can content creators verify the interest in their video ideas?

Content creators can use tools like Google Trends and YouTube search to gauge the interest in specific subjects. By comparing different topics and analyzing the search volume, creators can ensure that their video ideas are appealing to a large number of viewers.

Q: How can content chains and playlists help content creators get more views?

Creating content chains that are relevant to each other increases the likelihood of viewers binge-watching more of a creator's content. By linking to playlists in in-screens, pin comments, and video descriptions, creators make it easier for viewers to find and watch more of their content, leading to higher view counts.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Content creators should think at scale when coming up with video ideas, targeting a larger audience instead of specific niche topics.

  • Thumbnails and titles should be planned before creating videos to ensure they accurately represent the content and attract viewers.

  • Verifying the interest in video ideas through Google Trends and YouTube search can help ensure there is a demand for the content.

  • Creating content chains and linking to relevant playlists can encourage viewers to binge-watch more of your content.

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