Get More Comments On YouTube With These Tips | Summary and Q&A

April 4, 2018
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
Get More Comments On YouTube With These Tips


Learn five tricks that can help you generate more comments on your YouTube videos, including making errors, changing your shooting location, doing shout outs, pronouncing words wrong, and asking viewers specific questions.

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Key Insights

  • 💬 Making errors, such as typos or mismatched graphics, can drive viewers to leave comments about the mistakes.
  • 🥺 Shooting videos in new locations can generate curiosity among viewers, leading to increased comment activity.
  • 💬 Shout out videos can be effective in engaging viewers, but be mindful of potential negativity in the comments section.
  • 💬 Mispronouncing words can prompt viewers to comment on your videos.
  • 😷 Asking specific questions in your videos can make it easier for viewers to participate and leave comments.
  • 💬 The goal is to drive conversations in the comments section and make it more accessible for viewers to engage.
  • 🥺 Providing suggestions or prompts for comments can lead viewers to leave feedback in the desired direction.


  • I'm gonna give you five tricks that I use to get more comments on YouTube and I guarantee you there's at least one of these that you have never heard and we're starting right now. (hip hop music) What is going on, my name is Nick, welcome to another video. If this is your first time here and you wanna learn how to grow your channel, make videos a... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can making errors in my videos help generate comments?

Making errors, whether it's in what you say or what you show on screen, can often prompt viewers to let you know about it, leading to increased comment activity. However, it's important to ensure the errors aren't crucial to the accuracy of the content.

Q: Why is changing shooting locations beneficial for generating comments?

Shooting videos in a different setting can spark curiosity among viewers, prompting them to ask questions or leave comments about the new environment. It helps create a sense of novelty and interest.

Q: What are the pros and cons of doing shout outs in videos?

Shout out videos can be effective in encouraging viewer engagement, as people may request shout outs in the comments. However, be prepared for potential toxicity in the comments section due to the types of viewers attracted by shout outs.

Q: How can mispronouncing words help generate comments?

Mispronunciations can often lead viewers to point out your mistakes in the comments. This can spark discussions and debates about correct pronunciation, resulting in increased comment activity.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Making errors, such as typos or mismatched graphics, can lead viewers to leave comments on your videos.

  • Shooting videos in a new location can generate comments from curious viewers.

  • Creating shout out videos can encourage viewers to engage in the comments section, but be aware that it may attract both positive and negative comments.

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