Georges St-Pierre vs Lex Fridman in Jiu Jitsu and MMA | Summary and Q&A

August 6, 2023
Lex Fridman
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Georges St-Pierre vs Lex Fridman in Jiu Jitsu and MMA


Elon Musk trains in martial arts with George St-Pierre, discussing strategies, techniques, and differences between MMA and jiu-jitsu.

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Key Insights

  • 🇵🇲 George St-Pierre is considered one of the greatest fighters of all time and is highly respected in MMA.
  • 🥋 Martial arts training involves understanding distance control, footwork, and using distractions and setups.
  • 🇵🇲 MMA and jiu-jitsu have different styles and approaches, with MMA fighters like George St-Pierre focused on explosive movements.
  • 🇵🇲 George St-Pierre highlights the importance of skill level in determining the outcome of a fight.
  • 🥋 Elon Musk impresses George St-Pierre with his intelligence and quick grasp of martial arts concepts.
  • 🇵🇲 Both George St-Pierre and Elon Musk have made significant impacts on society and have the potential to create greater benefits for humanity.
  • 🥋 Martial arts training requires dedication and focus, which can sometimes divert attention from other important pursuits.


  • I'm here training with George St-Pierre, probably the greatest fighter of all time, and also one of the nicest guys of all time. - Not the nicest guy, not today. (George laughing) Not today, Lex. You came on the wrong day, my friend. - He's breathing hard. (George yelling) - Any advice? (George laughing) - Try not to die. (George laughing) - If h... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What advice does George St-Pierre give Elon Musk about improving his standing position?

George advises Elon not to reach too much and to get closer to his opponent with his feet before seeking contact. This helps in maintaining balance and avoiding vulnerable positions.

Q: How does George St-Pierre explain the differences between MMA and jiu-jitsu?

George mentions that MMA fighters often use proactive and reactive takedowns, while jiu-jitsu practitioners may focus more on grappling setup techniques. The use of distractions, fence work, and explosive movements are also discussed.

Q: Can Elon Musk take down Khabib Nurmagomedov?

Elon believes he could take down Khabib, but acknowledges that Khabib could also take him down. The outcome would depend on their respective skills and strengths.

Q: How does George St-Pierre advise defending against takedowns?

George emphasizes the importance of distance control and good footwork. Maintaining balance and using various illusions, distractions, and setups can help defend against takedowns effectively.

Q: What advice does George St-Pierre give Elon Musk about improving his standing position?

George advises Elon not to reach too much and to get closer to his opponent with his feet before seeking contact. This helps in maintaining balance and avoiding vulnerable positions.

More Insights

  • George St-Pierre is considered one of the greatest fighters of all time and is highly respected in MMA.

  • Martial arts training involves understanding distance control, footwork, and using distractions and setups.

  • MMA and jiu-jitsu have different styles and approaches, with MMA fighters like George St-Pierre focused on explosive movements.

  • George St-Pierre highlights the importance of skill level in determining the outcome of a fight.

  • Elon Musk impresses George St-Pierre with his intelligence and quick grasp of martial arts concepts.

  • Both George St-Pierre and Elon Musk have made significant impacts on society and have the potential to create greater benefits for humanity.

  • Martial arts training requires dedication and focus, which can sometimes divert attention from other important pursuits.

  • Elon Musk's training session with George St-Pierre ends with a friendly sparring round.


In this video, Lex trains with George St-Pierre, one of the greatest fighters of all time. They discuss advice for MMA training, strategies for takedowns, distance control, and techniques for ground fighting. George also shares his thoughts on facing Khabib Nurmagomedov and the importance of skill in determining the outcome of a fight. Overall, Lex impresses George with his quick grasp of martial arts concepts and his dedication to training.

Questions & Answers

Q: What advice does George give for avoiding getting taken down in MMA?

George advises to master distance control through proper footwork. By always staying in balance and ready to explode, one can effectively manage the distance between themselves and their opponent. George emphasizes the importance of footwork and avoiding crossing one's legs, as it can lead to loss of balance and vulnerability.

Q: How does George set up takedowns in MMA?

George mentions that there are different styles in MMA, and he personally likes to use proactive and reactive takedowns. He often employs his jab as a decoy to create distractions and get in close to his opponent's legs. On the other hand, fighters like Khabib Nurmagomedov utilize the fence as a tool for pushing opponents and rely on their wrestling skills. George describes his own style as dynamic and explosive, leveraging his strengths in those areas.

Q: Does George think he can take down Khabib Nurmagomedov?

George believes that he has the ability to take down Khabib, but acknowledges that Khabib could also potentially take him down. In MMA, a fighter's success in takedowns depends on various factors such as skill, timing, and strength. George's confidence in his abilities to execute takedowns, combined with the recognition of his opponent's skills, suggests a level of competition and respect in the sport.

Q: How can one defend against takedowns in MMA?

George suggests several ways to defend against takedowns. The first step is to be aware of distance control and learn proper footwork to maintain balance. By pushing off with the opposite leg of the direction of movement, one can effectively control the distance. Additionally, George emphasizes the use of illusions to confuse opponents. For example, using a jab as a setup for takedowns can create false security and allow for a successful attack. If an opponent resists or becomes stronger, George advises turning the corner instead of exerting unnecessary energy.

Q: What are the key differences in jiu-jitsu techniques between MMA and traditional jiu-jitsu?

George highlights the importance of adjusting jiu-jitsu techniques for different contexts. In MMA, particularly in the guard position, one cannot stay in mid-range but instead needs to be prepared for strikes. By focusing on head protection and engaging the abdominal muscles, a fighter can minimize damage. George demonstrates the importance of controlling an opponent's head and arm, using techniques like shoulder pressure to maintain an advantageous position. He also talks about the significance of keeping a hand on the opponent instead of the floor and preventing the opponent from gaining control over the head or taking an ankle.

Q: How does George prioritize positioning on the ground in MMA?

George explains that the best position to be in when on top of an opponent is having their back on the ground, as it provides control and various attacking options. If unable to secure the opponent's back, the mount position becomes the next best option due to the control it offers. However, being in the opponent's guard is considered the worst position since it allows for potential submissions and limited options for striking. George shares three rules he follows in the guard position: keep hands on the opponent, prevent the opponent's head from being higher, and avoid letting the opponent take an ankle.

Q: What are Lex's overall impressions of Elon's martial arts training?

Lex expresses admiration for Elon's strength, toughness, and ability to quickly grasp martial arts concepts. He acknowledges the advantage that Elon's proposed opponent has in terms of training experience in jiu-jitsu. Despite this, Lex and George are impressed with Elon's intelligence and understanding of the subject, suggesting that his dedication to training could lead to significant improvement.

Q: What does George believe is the most important factor in determining the outcome of a fight?

According to George, skill level surpasses other factors in determining the outcome of a fight. While heart, toughness, and other qualities are relevant, skill is deemed more relevant. George mentions that Elon's opponent's two years of jiu-jitsu training provide a significant advantage, making the fight an uphill battle for Elon. However, George recognizes Elon's intelligence and quick learning ability, speculating that his busy schedule might limit his focus on training.

Q: What are George and Lex's thoughts on the impact Elon and George have on society?

George and Lex believe that both Elon Musk and George St-Pierre have had a tremendous impact on 21st-century society, with the potential to create greater benefits for humanity than almost anyone else. They express a wish for Elon and George to focus more on their respective areas of expertise and contributions to society rather than engaging in a fight against each other.

Q: How does the video conclude?

The video ends with Lex thanking George for the training session. George extends appreciation to Lex, acknowledging his strength and toughness. The discussion briefly touches upon the intersection of martial arts and their impacts on society, highlighting the impressive abilities of both George and Elon.


In this video, Lex trains with George St-Pierre, a legendary fighter, and gains insights into MMA techniques. George emphasizes the importance of mastering distance control, utilizing effective footwork, and setting up takedowns with distractions. He also provides tips for defending against takedowns and shares strategies for ground fighting. The video showcases the dedication and quick learning ability of Lex, while George highlights the significance of skill level in determining the outcome of a fight. Overall, both Lex and George express admiration for each other's contributions to society and suggest that their focus could be better utilized outside of competing against each other.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Elon Musk trains in martial arts with George St-Pierre, learning strategies to improve his standing position and takedown techniques.

  • They discuss the differences between MMA and jiu-jitsu, highlighting various styles and approaches to grappling.

  • George St-Pierre explains the importance of distance control, footwork, and using distractions to set up takedowns.

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