Grant Sanderson: 3Blue1Brown and the Beauty of Mathematics | Lex Fridman Podcast #64 | Summary and Q&A

January 7, 2020
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Grant Sanderson: 3Blue1Brown and the Beauty of Mathematics | Lex Fridman Podcast #64


Grant Sanderson, creator of Three Blue One Brown, discusses the nature of mathematics, the role of notation in understanding concepts, and the relationship between math and physics.

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Key Insights

  • 🦮 Mathematics is a blend of discovery and invention, with discoveries about the universe guiding the invention of mathematical concepts.
  • 🦻 Abstraction and visualization are essential tools for understanding complex mathematical ideas, as they provide concrete examples and aid in comprehension.
  • 🖐️ Notation plays a crucial role in shaping our understanding of mathematical concepts, and it can influence how we reason and solve problems.
  • ❓ The relationship between mathematics and physics is complex, with different mathematicians offering different perspectives on their connection.
  • 💁 The possibility of living in a simulation exists, but the limitations of information processing and the resources required suggest that an infinite number of simulations is unlikely.
  • 🧑‍🎓 Visuals and concrete examples are important in teaching math, as they help students grasp complex ideas more easily.
  • 🖐️ The concept of infinity is challenging to comprehend, but it is a powerful abstraction that plays a crucial role in mathematics.


the following is a conversation with grant Sanderson he's a math educator and creator of three blue one brown a popular YouTube channel that uses programmatically animated visualizations to explain concepts and linear algebra calculus and other fields of mathematics this is the artificial intelligence podcast if you enjoy it subscribe on YouTube gi... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does notation influence our understanding of mathematical concepts?

Notation plays a significant role in how we think about and approach mathematical ideas. It can shape our understanding of concepts and affect the way we reason and solve problems.

Q: What is the difference between mathematics and physics?

Mathematics is the study of patterns and abstractions, while physics is grounded in the desire to understand the physical world. There is significant overlap between the two fields, and different mathematicians may have varying perspectives on their relationship.

Q: Do you think we are living in a simulation?

While the possibility of living in a simulation cannot be completely ruled out, the limitations of information processing and the complexity of simulating the universe suggest that the existence of an infinite number of simulations may be unlikely.

Q: What is your favorite video to create?

Grant's favorite video to create was "Who Cares About Topology," where he explored the inscribed square problem and its connection to topology. The video allowed him to showcase the beauty of abstract mathematical concepts and their practical applications.

Q: How does notation influence our understanding of mathematical concepts?

Notation plays a significant role in how we think about and approach mathematical ideas. It can shape our understanding of concepts and affect the way we reason and solve problems.

More Insights

  • Mathematics is a blend of discovery and invention, with discoveries about the universe guiding the invention of mathematical concepts.

  • Abstraction and visualization are essential tools for understanding complex mathematical ideas, as they provide concrete examples and aid in comprehension.

  • Notation plays a crucial role in shaping our understanding of mathematical concepts, and it can influence how we reason and solve problems.

  • The relationship between mathematics and physics is complex, with different mathematicians offering different perspectives on their connection.

  • The possibility of living in a simulation exists, but the limitations of information processing and the resources required suggest that an infinite number of simulations is unlikely.

  • Visuals and concrete examples are important in teaching math, as they help students grasp complex ideas more easily.

  • The concept of infinity is challenging to comprehend, but it is a powerful abstraction that plays a crucial role in mathematics.

  • The creation of videos about mathematics involves a process of writing narratives, attaching visualizations, and focusing on the understanding of the target audience.


Grant Sanderson, a math educator and creator of Three Blue One Brown, discusses various topics related to mathematics, including the nature of mathematics, the relationship between physics and math, the concept of infinity, and the possibility of living in a simulation.

Questions & Answers

Q: Do you think the mathematics of intelligent life in the universe would be different from ours?

Grant believes that the mathematics of intelligent life in the universe would likely be different from ours, primarily due to differences in notation and modes of thought. However, he also acknowledges the possibility of there being some universal principles of mathematics that are discovered by every intelligent species.

Q: Is basic arithmetic present in other intelligent species?

Grant believes that basic arithmetic, such as counting and the concept of repetition, would likely be present in other intelligent species. However, the extension to more complex mathematical concepts, such as the real numbers, may vary depending on the mode of thought and existence of the species.

Q: What is Grant's least favorite notation in mathematics and why?

Grant's least favorite notation is the notation used for the number e and the function e to the X. He believes that the notation of repeated multiplication misrepresents the true power and essence of the exponential function, which can be better understood through its connection to solving differential equations.

Q: Do you think mathematics is discovered or invented?

Grant believes that there is a cycle at play where discoveries about the universe inform the invention of mathematical concepts. While math itself may be invented, the principles and patterns it describes are often discovered through observations and experimentation.

Q: How would you compare physics and math?

Grant sees math as the study of abstractions and patterns, while physics is grounded in the desire to understand the physical world. While there is a significant overlap between the two, there are different motivations and approaches that mathematicians and physicists take in their respective fields.

Q: Do you think we are living in a simulation or that the universe is a computer?

Grant sees the simulation hypothesis as a thought experiment rather than a definite answer. He believes that the information processing capabilities required to simulate a universe like ours may be limited, which challenges the idea of an infinite number of simulated layers. However, he also acknowledges the possibility of an unbounded capacity for information processing.

Q: How does Grant reconcile the concept of infinity with his understanding of mathematics?

Grant sees infinity as an abstraction that represents the property of always being able to add one more. While visualizing infinity may be challenging, the idea of abstraction is essential for conceptualizing the universe and making sense of mathematical and scientific theories.

Q: What is the most beautiful or inspiring idea in mathematics that Grant has come across?

One idea that Grant finds beautiful is the Euler product for the Riemann zeta function. This equation showcases the relationship between the natural numbers and prime numbers, encapsulating the fundamental theorem of arithmetic. Although Grant acknowledges that he still has much to learn about this topic, the elegance and mystery behind it make it incredibly captivating.


Grant Sanderson's discussion delves into various mathematical concepts and their relationship with the physical world. Mathematics, as an abstract study of patterns and abstractions, plays a crucial role in understanding the universe. The notation and mode of thought in mathematics can vary among intelligent species, but certain universal principles may be discovered. The discovery and invention of mathematics often rely on observations and experimentation in the physical realm. The simulation hypothesis poses interesting questions about the nature of the universe and the limitations of information processing. The concept of infinity, while challenging to visualize, is an essential abstraction in understanding complex ideas. Finally, the most beautiful ideas in mathematics often entail a sense of mystery and inspire further exploration.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Grant explains that mathematics is both discovered and invented, with discoveries about the universe guiding the invention of mathematical concepts.

  • He discusses the importance of abstraction and visualization in understanding mathematical concepts, using examples such as the Riemann zeta function and the Euler equation.

  • Grant emphasizes the need for clear and concrete examples when teaching math, as visuals can help students grasp complex ideas more easily.

  • He also explores the concept of infinity and the role it plays in mathematics, acknowledging that while it is difficult to comprehend, it is a powerful abstraction.

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