GENRE SWAP! | Summary and Q&A

March 1, 2013
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Booktubers are participating in a genre swap project to broaden their reading horizons, pairing up to exchange books from different genres.

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Key Insights

  • 🍳 Jesse and Andrew are booktubers who came up with the genre swap project to break out of their reading preferences.
  • 📽️ The project aims to encourage participants to explore genres outside of their comfort zones.
  • 💁 Participants will be paired up and swap books, broadening their reading horizons while forming connections within the booktuber community.
  • 📽️ The project requires participants to buy or send a copy of the book, with parental permission if underage.
  • 🎮 Participants are encouraged to share their book swaps through tweets or video responses, using the hashtag #genreswap.
  • 📽️ The project will officially begin in the last week of March.
  • 👶 The genre swap project provides an opportunity to meet new booktubers and form friendships within the booktuber community.


woo oh hey y'all I just I really wanted to show the real side of me you know in this video thinking about changing my name to Jesse the cowboy actually I really don't know what I'm doing and I'm going to go change now okay much better sorry about that I I just was in the shower getting ready and I thought hey I should be a cowboy today so I fulfill... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the genre swap project about?

The genre swap project involves booktubers exchanging books from different genres to explore new reading territories and broaden their book horizons.

Q: How did the genre swap project come about?

Jesse and Andrew brainstormed the idea together, wanting to break out of their own reading preferences and include others in this project.

Q: How will the genre swap project work?

Participants will be paired up and will swap books, picking a book that they think the other person will enjoy from their preferred genre. The purpose is to introduce new genres to each other.

Q: What should participants do before joining the genre swap project?

Before joining, participants should either buy or send a copy of the book to their swap partner. If they are underage, they need to get permission from their parents to send and receive the book.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Booktubers Jesse and Andrew have come up with a genre swap project, where participants will swap books from different genres to explore new reading territories.

  • The project aims to break out of the YA and adult/classics bubbles that many readers find themselves in.

  • Participants will be paired up and exchange books, with the goal of broadening their reading horizons and forming new friendships within the booktuber community.

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