Garry Kasparov: Magnus Carlsen is a Lethal Combination of Fischer and Karpov | Lex Fridman Podcast | Summary and Q&A

October 28, 2019
Lex Fridman
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Garry Kasparov: Magnus Carlsen is a Lethal Combination of Fischer and Karpov | Lex Fridman Podcast


It is difficult to rank Magnus Carlsen among all-time great chess players due to the increasing knowledge and understanding of the game across generations.

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Key Insights

  • ♟️ Ranking all-time great chess players is challenging due to the increasing knowledge and understanding of the game across generations.
  • 🏏 Magnus Carlsen's consistency and dominance in the game make him a top contender among all-time greats.
  • ❓ Carlsen's unique style combines the dynamism of Fischer and the meticulousness of Karpov.
  • 💢 Comparing players from different eras is not meaningful as each generation benefits from accumulated knowledge and ideas.
  • 🎮 Physical condition plays a crucial role in chess performance, with players burning thousands of calories during games.
  • 🌇 Carlsen's ability to squeeze every advantage and maintain stamina sets him apart from other champions.
  • 🌍 The gap between the world champion and the rest of the field is an important factor in evaluating greatness.


where do you put magnus carlsen the current world champion in the list of all-time greats in terms of style moments of brilliance consistency it's a tricky question you know the moment you start ranking yeah well do something it's the I think it's it's it's not fair because it's any new generation knows much more about the game than their previous ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How would you rank Magnus Carlsen among all-time great chess players?

It is challenging to rank Carlsen among all-time greats due to the increasing knowledge and understanding of the game across generations. However, his consistency and dominance suggest he belongs among the top players.

Q: What sets Magnus Carlsen apart from other chess champions?

Carlsen's style combines the dynamism of Fischer and the meticulousness of Karpov, making him a unique and lethal player. He is able to squeeze every advantage and maintain stamina for long matches.

Q: Can Garri Kasparov from the late 1980s beat Magnus Carlsen today?

It is irrelevant to compare players from different eras. Carlsen has learned from previous champions, including Kasparov, and benefited from accumulated modern ideas and strategies.

Q: How important are physical conditions for chess players?

Recent studies show that chess players burn thousands of calories during a game, highlighting the physical demands of the sport. Physical condition is an essential factor for top players.

Q: How would you rank Magnus Carlsen among all-time great chess players?

It is challenging to rank Carlsen among all-time greats due to the increasing knowledge and understanding of the game across generations. However, his consistency and dominance suggest he belongs among the top players.

More Insights

  • Ranking all-time great chess players is challenging due to the increasing knowledge and understanding of the game across generations.

  • Magnus Carlsen's consistency and dominance in the game make him a top contender among all-time greats.

  • Carlsen's unique style combines the dynamism of Fischer and the meticulousness of Karpov.

  • Comparing players from different eras is not meaningful as each generation benefits from accumulated knowledge and ideas.

  • Physical condition plays a crucial role in chess performance, with players burning thousands of calories during games.

  • Carlsen's ability to squeeze every advantage and maintain stamina sets him apart from other champions.

  • The gap between the world champion and the rest of the field is an important factor in evaluating greatness.

  • Carlsen's dominance over the next generation of players, such as Anand and Karjakin, highlights his exceptional skills.


In this video, chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov discusses the challenges of ranking players from different generations and reflects on his own career compared to current world champion Magnus Carlsen. He highlights the importance of access to information and knowledge in the game and emphasizes the role of physical conditioning for chess players. Kasparov also discusses the question of whether he could beat Carlsen in his prime and reflects on the greatness of players like Maradona and Messi.

Questions & Answers

Q: Where do you rank Magnus Carlsen among the all-time greats in chess?

Ranking players from different generations is tricky because each generation has more knowledge about the game than the previous one. It's unfair to disregard the great players of the past who knew much less about chess. Additionally, the gap between the world champion and the rest of the field is a crucial factor to consider. If we look at this gap, players like Fischer and Karpov could be on top, albeit for a shorter period of time. It's important to consider both skill and longevity in ranking players.

Q: What makes Magnus Carlsen so dominant and seemingly unbeatable?

Magnus Carlsen's consistency and phenomenal skill are what make him on top of the chess world today. He possesses a unique combination of playing styles from legends like Fischer and Karpov. Carlsen has the dynamism and fighting spirit of Fischer, always ready to utilize every resource available. At the same time, he showcases the meticulousness and effectiveness of Karpov, using minimal resources to achieve maximum impact. Carlsen's passion, energy, and attention to detail enable him to go on for many moves, making him nearly unbeatable.

Q: How important is physical conditioning for chess players?

Physical conditions play a significant role in chess, although many people don't recognize it. Recent studies have shown that chess players burn thousands of calories during a game. This aspect puts them at the top of the field in terms of physical requirements. Being physically fit helps players maintain focus and make critical decisions under pressure. It contributes to their overall performance and endurance throughout the game.

Q: Could Garry Kasparov beat Magnus Carlsen today?

It's an irrelevant question because Kasparov's prime was in 1999, and Carlsen is at the peak of his career in 2019. Comparing the two across time gaps is futile. Moreover, Carlsen is one of Kasparov's own students, so any judgment involving the two is challenging for Kasparov. When asked about his favorite football player, Kasparov compared it to choosing between Maradona and Messi. Kasparov explains that his instinctive answer would be Maradona because he witnessed both players' actions in their prime. Thus, age factors and personal experiences influence such judgments.

Q: How does Kasparov's own career compare to Magnus Carlsen's?

Kasparov's career was remarkable, winning multiple World Chess Championships and maintaining a high rating throughout his prime. He had dominant wins against opponents like Anatoly Karpov and achieved a top rating of 2800, which was exceptional at that time. Kasparov's rating in 1990, adjusted for inflation, could be even more valuable than Carlsen's highest peak rating. However, it's worth noting that making comparisons based on hypothetical situations and inflation is speculative and does not provide a definitive answer.


Garry Kasparov's insights highlight the challenges of comparing players from different eras in any sport, including chess. The availability of information and knowledge in the modern game makes a significant difference between the past and present generations. The combination of skills and styles exhibited by Magnus Carlsen makes him a formidable opponent with a consistent track record. Physical conditioning is often overlooked but plays a crucial role in a player's performance. Ultimately, the question of who would win in a hypothetical match between Kasparov and Carlsen is irrelevant and impossible to answer definitively. Personal experiences and age factors shape subjective judgments when it comes to assessing players' greatness.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The knowledge and understanding of chess has significantly increased with each generation, making it difficult to compare players from different eras.

  • Magnus Carlsen's consistency and dominance in the game make him a formidable world champion.

  • Carlsen's style combines the dynamism of Fischer and the meticulousness of Karpov, making him a lethal player.

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