Anya Fernald: Regenerative Farming and the Art of Cooking Meat | Lex Fridman Podcast #203 | Summary and Q&A

July 23, 2021
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Anya Fernald: Regenerative Farming and the Art of Cooking Meat | Lex Fridman Podcast #203


Anya Farnald discusses her mission to create ethical and regenerative farming practices in the meat industry, emphasizing the importance of treating animals humanely and providing them with an evolutionary diet.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Regenerative farming focuses on improving soil fertility through carbon sequestration and mimicking natural ecosystems.
  • 🍖 The treatment of animals, providing them with an evolutionary diet and outdoor access, impacts the flavor and cooking characteristics of meat.
  • ⚖️ Scaling regenerative farming practices necessitates innovation and technological integration to overcome challenges and achieve sustainability.


the following is a conversation with anya farnald co-founder of belkampa farms that was founded with the purpose to create meat that's good for people the planet and the animals specifically treating their animals as ethically as possible in this she sought to revolutionize the meat industry from the inside out she's also a scholar and practitioner... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the main focus of Belcampo Farms and its mission?

Belcampo Farms aims to create meat that is good for people, the planet, and the animals by implementing ethical and regenerative farming practices.

Q: How does the treatment and diet of animals impact the taste and cooking process of meat?

Animals raised in regenerative farming systems, fed their evolutionary diet, and allowed to graze outdoors produce meat with distinct flavors and cooking characteristics. For example, grass-fed meat cooks faster than corn-fed meat.

Q: Can regenerative farming practices be scaled to meet the demand for meat?

Scaling regenerative farming practices is challenging due to the need for human attention and expertise. However, technological advancements, such as AI, could potentially assist in data collection and decision-making processes.

Q: Is it possible to raise animals humanely and ethically while still ending their lives for meat?

Ethical treatment of animals involves providing them with an evolutionary diet, access to the outdoors, low density environments, and social interactions. The ethical dilemma of ending an animal's life for meat is subjective and may vary among individuals.

Q: What is the main focus of Belcampo Farms and its mission?

Belcampo Farms aims to create meat that is good for people, the planet, and the animals by implementing ethical and regenerative farming practices.

More Insights

  • Regenerative farming focuses on improving soil fertility through carbon sequestration and mimicking natural ecosystems.

  • The treatment of animals, providing them with an evolutionary diet and outdoor access, impacts the flavor and cooking characteristics of meat.

  • Scaling regenerative farming practices necessitates innovation and technological integration to overcome challenges and achieve sustainability.

  • The concept of humane treatment of animals and ending their lives for meat is complex and subjective, with differing perspectives among individuals.


In this video conversation, Anya Fernald, co-founder of Belcampo Farms, discusses her passion for cooking. She explains that cooking is both an art and a service, as it involves creating something beautiful and expressive while also supporting health, wellness, and the environment. Anya also explores the importance of anticipation and the sensory experience of cooking, noting that smell plays a particularly significant role in our memories and enjoyment of food. She shares her own love for cooking and how it was born from her desire to help her family and the influence of women in her life. Additionally, she delves into the science of cooking meat, explaining the impact of factors such as muscle type, collagen content, and surface area to volume ratio on the cooking process. Anya also discusses the significance of various sources of heat, the role of smoke, and the unique experience of cooking over wood fire. Finally, she highlights the importance of the origin and raising methods of meat in terms of flavor and cooking characteristics.

Questions & Answers

Q: Is cooking a science or an art?

Cooking is both a science and an art. While it involves the technical aspects of combining ingredients and cooking them properly, it also requires creativity, beauty, and a sense of service. Cooking is about creating something delicious and expressive while supporting health, wellness, and the environment.

Q: How does food interact with our environment?

Food is the part of our environment that goes inside us most visibly. It is a way for us to extract resources and energy from the environment and preserve our bodies. Our bodies also have deep levels of sensory evaluation to determine available nutrients and signal other aspects of wellness and health. Food is a key way for us to interact with and engage in our environment.

Q: What is the most memorable aspect of food experiences?

The most memorable aspect of food experiences is often the anticipation and sensory aspects. The smell of food cooking, especially for those who grew up in homes with parents who cooked, creates powerful memories and an anticipatory experience. The moments of anticipation, sharing the food with loved ones, and the sensory enjoyment of taste and smell are what make food experiences so memorable.

Q: Why is the build-up and anticipation of a meal often more enjoyable than the actual eating of it?

The build-up and anticipation of a meal can be more enjoyable than the actual eating because it engages our senses and creates a sense of excitement and delight. Our bodies, especially our memories, are closely tied to the sensory experiences of food, particularly the smell. The build-up and anticipation allow us to experience the culinary journey and engage with our environment in an extended manner.

Q: How does cooking create a connection with loved ones or family?

Cooking can create a strong connection with loved ones and family as it is often associated with love, tenderness, and togetherness. In many cultures, food and eating together are moments of bonding and creating shared memories. The act of cooking for someone is a way of expressing care and love. The flavors and smells of food can also evoke nostalgic memories and deepen the emotional connection.

Q: When did you first fall in love with cooking?

Anya fell in love with cooking as a way to help her family. She observed her mom feeling anxious and overwhelmed when it came to cooking, and being naturally good at juggling tasks, she stepped in to assist. Cooking became a way for her to add value and relieve stress. Additionally, seeing the tenderness and love expressed through food by women in her life, such as her grandmother, further sparked her passion for cooking.

Q: What is the journey of achieving mastery in cooking like?

Achieving mastery in cooking can involve different approaches. It is like choosing a language or a palette to work with. While there is beauty in exploring and trying new flavors and ingredients, focusing on a specific palette and mastering those flavors can lead to a quicker understanding and skill development. It is about finding what resonates with you and the flavors you enjoy creating.

Q: How does the origin of meat affect its cooking characteristics?

The way meat is raised has a significant impact on its flavor and cooking characteristics. For example, grass-fed meat cooks faster than corn-fed meat due to the presence of bigger veins of fat in corn-fed meat. Different muscles in the animal, based on their functionality and the presence of collagen and connective tissue, will require different cooking techniques. The origin and raising methods of meat play a crucial role in its tenderness, flavor, and cooking time.

Q: Does the source of heat in cooking meat make a difference?

Yes, the source of heat does make a difference in cooking meat. In terms of indirect heat and direct heat, indirect heat allows for low and slow cooking, ensuring even cooking throughout the meat. Different sources of heat, such as wood, charcoal, or gas, provide varying levels of flavor and heat distribution. Wood fire cooking adds a nuance of flavor and an experiential element to the cooking process, engaging all the senses.

Q: What is the significance of the cooking experience with wood fire?

The cooking experience with wood fire is special and memorable. Cooking over wood fire allows for a slow and intentional process, from building and tending the fire to the scent and ambiance created. It offers a unique and tangible connection to nature, stimulating the senses and providing a source of delight and anticipation. The wood fire cooking experience is cherished for its beauty, the time it takes, and the overall sensory engagement.

Q: Does the way meat is raised affect its flavor and cooking properties?

Yes, the way meat is raised has a massive impact on the flavor and cooking properties of the meat. Grass-fed meat, for example, cooks faster than corn-fed meat. The presence of collagen, connective tissue, and muscle functionality can determine the tenderness and cooking time of meat. Raising methods, such as grass-fed versus corn-fed, significantly influence the eating experience and satisfaction with the meat.


In the conversation with Anya Fernald, several key takeaways emerge. Firstly, cooking is both a science and an art that involves creating something beautiful, expressive, and mindful of health and the environment. Secondly, the anticipation and sensory aspects of food play a crucial role in creating memorable experiences. Thirdly, cooking has the power to foster connections and share love and tenderness among family and loved ones. Fourthly, understanding the science of cooking meat, including muscle types, collagen, and surface area to volume ratio, helps optimize flavor and cooking techniques. Finally, the source of heat, such as wood fire, can add nuance and an experiential element to the cooking process, enhancing the overall sensory journey.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Anya Farnald, co-founder of Belcampo Farms, aims to revolutionize the meat industry through ethical and regenerative farming practices.

  • She emphasizes the importance of treating animals ethically and providing them with an evolutionary diet.

  • Farnald believes that regenerative farming can help sequester carbon and has the potential to scale with the integration of technology and innovative approaches.

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