Formal definition of limits Part 4: using the definition | AP Calculus AB | Khan Academy | Summary and Q&A

January 12, 2013
Khan Academy
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Formal definition of limits Part 4: using the definition | AP Calculus AB | Khan Academy


The video explains the epsilon-delta definition of limits and demonstrates how to use it to rigorously prove the existence of a limit.

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Key Insights

  • 💨 The epsilon-delta definition provides a rigorous way to prove the existence of limits.
  • 👍 The limit of a function can be proven by showing that, for any given epsilon, there exists a corresponding delta that satisfies the definition.
  • 🍉 The application of the epsilon-delta definition involves manipulating inequalities to find a suitable value for delta in terms of epsilon.
  • ⛔ Proving the existence of a limit using the epsilon-delta definition requires considering the range of x-values within a given delta, excluding the limit itself.


In the last video, we took our first look at the epsilon-delta definition of limits, which essentially says if you claim that the limit of f of x as x approaches C is equal to L, then that must mean by the definition that if you were given any positive epsilon that it essentially tells us how close we want f of x to be to L. We can always find a de... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What does the epsilon-delta definition of limits state?

The epsilon-delta definition states that for a limit to exist, there must be a positive epsilon that determines how close the function's output needs to be to the limit, and a corresponding delta that determines the distance from the input to the limit.

Q: How is the concept of limits applied in the video?

The video applies the concept of limits to prove the existence of the limit of a function as x approaches a specific value.

Q: How is the example function defined in the video?

The example function, f(x), is defined to be equal to 2x for all values of x except when x is 5. For x = 5, f(x) is equal to 5 itself.

Q: What is the goal of the video?

The goal of the video is to demonstrate how to use the epsilon-delta definition to rigorously prove the existence of the limit of the example function as x approaches 5.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The epsilon-delta definition of limits states that for a limit to exist, there must be a positive epsilon that determines how close the function's output needs to be to the limit, and a corresponding delta that determines the distance from the input to the limit.

  • The video presents an example function, where f(x) is equal to 2x for all x except when x is 5, in which case it is equal to x.

  • Using the epsilon-delta definition, the video aims to prove that the limit of f(x) as x approaches 5 is equal to 10.

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