Expressing a quadratic form with a matrix | Summary and Q&A

June 16, 2016
Khan Academy
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Expressing a quadratic form with a matrix


The video explains how to express quadratic forms in a vectorized sense using matrices and vectors, allowing for easy scalability and generalization.

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Key Insights

  • 💁 Quadratic forms consist of quadratic terms only, with variables multiplied by constants and added together.
  • 💁 Quadratic forms can be expressed in a vectorized form using matrices and vectors.
  • 💁 The vectorized form involves multiplying a matrix with the variable vector and its transpose.
  • 👻 Using a matrix allows for easy scalability and generalization, even in higher dimensions or with a larger number of variables.
  • 😑 The vectorized form is similar to expressing linear terms with vectors, making it more convenient for calculations.
  • 💁 Matrix multiplication is used to compute the quadratic terms in a vectorized form.


  • [Voiceover] Hey guys. There's one more thing I need to talk about before I can describe the vectorized form for the quadratic approximation of multivariable functions which is a mouthful to say so let's say you have some kind of expression that looks like a times x squared and I'm thinking x is a variable times b times xy, y is another variable, ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is a quadratic form?

A quadratic form is an expression that consists only of quadratic terms, where variables are multiplied by constants and added together. It does not include linear terms or constants outside the quadratic terms.

Q: How can quadratic forms be expressed in a vectorized form?

Quadratic forms can be expressed in a vectorized form by using matrices and vectors. A matrix, usually a symmetric 2x2 matrix, is multiplied with the variable vector and its transpose.

Q: Why is it more convenient to write quadratic forms in a vectorized form?

Writing quadratic forms in a vectorized form allows for easy scalability and generalization. The notation remains the same even when dealing with larger matrices and vectors, which is useful when working with higher dimensions or a larger number of variables.

Q: How is the multiplication of a matrix with a vector done in a quadratic form?

When multiplying a matrix with a vector in a quadratic form, each corresponding term in the matrix's rows is multiplied with the corresponding term in the vector. This results in a new vector with the computed terms.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Quadratic forms are expressions that consist solely of quadratic terms.

  • By using matrices and vectors, quadratic forms can be expressed in a vectorized form, similar to linear terms.

  • The vectorized form of a quadratic form involves multiplying a matrix with the variable vector and its transpose.

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