Everyone Loves You When You're Dead | Neil Strauss | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

May 10, 2011
Talks at Google
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Everyone Loves You When You're Dead | Neil Strauss | Talks at Google


Through his experiences as a writer and interviewer, Neil Strauss emphasizes the significance of building rapport and uncovering authenticity in conversations and interviews, highlighting the transformative power of curiosity, non-judgment, and deep listening.

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Key Insights

  • 🤩 Authenticity and genuine curiosity are key to building rapport and establishing a deeper connection with others.
  • 🥺 Fame and wealth do not lead to happiness; balance and self-fulfillment are more important.
  • 🥺 Being nonjudgmental and practicing deep listening can lead to more meaningful conversations and connections.
  • 🍝 The past does not define an individual; letting go of past failures and focusing on personal growth is essential.
  • 🥺 Following one's passion and saying yes to new opportunities can lead to personal and professional growth.
  • 👶 The passage of time can provide a different perspective on past experiences and reveal new layers of meaning.
  • 💦 The importance of mentors and editors in refining one's work while maintaining a unique voice.


Neil Strauss: Yeah, I spent, like, ten years writing for the New York Times and more, more than that kind of writing for Rolling Stone. If you're a writer you have always have your dream of doing your, like, a journalist anthology so you save, like, every article you've done I put it into a folder called like 'anthology'. I figured that, you know... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Neil Strauss determine which parts of the interviews to transcribe and use in his book?

Neil Strauss transcribed every interview he had conducted and looked for moments of authenticity, where the interviewees' true selves were revealed. These moments could be interruptions, pauses, changes in tonality, or candid responses.

Q: How does Neil Strauss believe fame and wealth affect an individual's happiness?

Neil Strauss believes that fame and wealth do not lead to happiness and can even magnify insecurities and problems. He suggests that balance and self-fulfillment from within are more important for leading a happy life.

Q: How does Neil Strauss approach building rapport with interview subjects?

Neil Strauss approaches building rapport by being nonjudgmental and showing genuine curiosity about the other person's experiences and perspectives. He also emphasizes deep listening, allowing the interviewee to feel heard and understood.

Q: How did Neil Strauss use his interviews to explore his own personal growth and insecurities?

Neil Strauss asked questions that were relevant to his own personal growth and insecurities, which allowed him to learn from the interviewees and apply their experiences and insights to his own life.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Neil Strauss discusses his experience collecting articles for a potential journalistic anthology and realizing that they did not meet his expectations.

  • He then turned to the interviews he had conducted and transcribed them, focusing on the authenticity and moments of truth within the conversations.

  • The importance of building rapport, being nonjudgmental, and showing curiosity is key to establishing a connection and uncovering the true essence of individuals.

  • Strauss emphasizes the significance of balancing various aspects of life, such as work, relationships, and personal hobbies, to achieve happiness and avoid burnout.

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