END OF YEAR TBR! | Summary and Q&A

November 27, 2023
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In this video, the creator shares their five book recommendations to read before the end of the year, including a reread of "The Lightning Thief," a cozy fantasy, and a snark-filled mystery by Lemony Snicket.

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Key Insights

  • 🫠 The creator prefers smaller TBR lists and is aiming to read five books before the end of the year, even though they would love to read more.
  • 👀 They mention their excitement for the upcoming Percy Jackson series adaptation and their plan to reread "The Lightning Thief" to refresh their memory before watching the show.
  • 📔 The creator expresses a mix of excitement and nervousness towards highly anticipated books, fearing that their expectations might not be met and they might not enjoy the popular books.
  • 🫠 They appreciate cozy fantasy and books with chill vibes, and are particularly excited to read "Legends and Lattes" for its cozy, warm feeling.


I feel like this is doable I feel like I can stick to this let's not talk about this TBR video if I don't end up sticking to this hey hi hello welcome back to my channel I'm Jesse and today I'm going to be talking about five books that I want to read before the end of the year I've been seeing a lot of people share their 10 before the end book list... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why did the creator choose to prioritize a reread of "The Lightning Thief"?

The creator wants to refresh their memory before watching the upcoming series adaptation and plans to make videos reviewing each episode. They believe rereading the book will help them make solid comparisons between the book and the series.

Q: What made the creator nervous about reading "A Study in Drowning"?

The creator mentions that the book has been receiving a lot of buzz and hype, which increases their expectations. They express their fear of not enjoying the book or being underwhelmed by it, as they dislike having unpopular opinions.

Q: What intrigued the creator about "At the Coffee Shop of Curiosities"?

The creator stumbled upon this book on Goodreads and was drawn to its vague but intriguing description. The mix of magic, cozy vibes, and interconnected storylines caught their attention, and they are excited to dive into a lesser-known and underrated book.

Q: Why is the creator excited about "Poison for Breakfast" by Lemony Snicket?

The creator mentions their love for Lemony Snicket's snarky writing style and how they have been craving that kind of humor. They appreciate Snicket's unique storytelling style and are eager to read his first YA book, which revolves around a mystery where Snicket himself has been poisoned.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The creator shares their five book recommendations to read before the end of the year, including "The Lightning Thief" by Rick Riordan, a cozy mystery called "A Study in Drowning," and a snark-filled mystery titled "Poison for Breakfast" by Lemony Snicket.

  • They also mention a lesser-known book called "At the Coffee Shop of Curiosities," which features magical elements and interconnected storylines, and the hyped book "Legends and Lattes," a cozy fantasy about an orc who opens a coffee shop.

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