Empowering Digital Sustainability to tackle Climate Change | Kanishk Agarwal | TEDxBani Park | Summary and Q&A

September 15, 2023
TEDx Talks
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Empowering Digital Sustainability to tackle Climate Change | Kanishk Agarwal | TEDxBani Park


Technology has drastically transformed our lives, making us increasingly dependent on digital devices, which has raised concerns about the environmental impact and sustainability of our digital practices.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ”‹ Digital sustainability aims to reduce the environmental impact of technology by finding innovative solutions for batteries, energy generation, and computing power.
  • πŸ’„ Sustainable technology practices can benefit various sectors, such as healthcare, agriculture, and energy, by making processes more efficient and environmentally friendly.
  • πŸ—ΊοΈ Embracing virtual meetings and using VR devices can reduce the need for travel, contributing to sustainability efforts.
  • 🫑 Data storage on the cloud and lower-spec devices offer more sustainable solutions compared to high-spec devices with large storage capacities.
  • πŸ˜€ The fourth "P" of sustainability is pioneering, which emphasizes the importance of innovation and technological advancements that align with sustainable practices.


Transcriber: Hussam Kherbek Reviewer: Walaa Mohammed We've gathered here today to talk about a very important topic, which is climate change and mental health. And I'm going to delve into digital sustainability. I think that's an issue that has been there around our lives and people who were born in 70s and 80s. We know that you know how the transf... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can digital sustainability address the issue of battery waste?

Digital sustainability can address battery waste by promoting the use of recyclable materials in battery production and exploring alternative battery technologies that have less environmental impact.

Q: How does fast charging for electric vehicles contribute to unsustainability?

Fast charging for electric vehicles often requires generating electricity using non-sustainable methods, such as generators, which contribute to carbon emissions. Finding sustainable charging methods like renewable energy sources is crucial.

Q: How can green coding help reduce the environmental impact of computing power?

Green coding involves creating efficient algorithms that reduce the computing power needed for tasks, which in turn reduces energy consumption and the generation of heat from servers, making technology more sustainable.

Q: How can digital gardening contribute to sustainability?

Digital gardening involves taking care of digital devices to ensure they run efficiently and have a longer lifespan. This reduces electronic waste and promotes the reuse of materials for recycling.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Technology has evolved rapidly, from simple appliances to smartphones, making us reliant on digital devices for information and connectivity.

  • Digital sustainability aims to reduce our environmental impact by finding ways to make technology more sustainable, such as developing compostable batteries and efficient algorithms.

  • Sectors like healthcare, agriculture, and energy generation can benefit from sustainable technology solutions.

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