Finding your path in life | Chayan Chopra | TEDxSSCBS | Summary and Q&A

September 28, 2023
TEDx Talks
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Finding your path in life | Chayan Chopra | TEDxSSCBS

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In this video, the speaker, a 24-year-old actor, shares his journey of how he discovered his passion for acting and creative pursuits despite coming from a middle-class family where academic and utilitarian values were emphasized. He talks about how his interest in music, specifically playing the guitar and exploring different artists, led him to discover a love for music and then subsequently, films. He describes how joining the theater society in college and later getting involved in social entrepreneurship further solidified his passion for creative pursuits. The speaker also discusses the importance of mentors and how he found inspiration from various figures in the music and film industry. He shares his approach of constantly digging and exploring different areas of interest, emphasizing the importance of uncovering what lies beneath the surface (the iceberg) rather than focusing solely on the visible outcomes.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the speaker's upbringing shape his career choices and interests?

The speaker comes from a middle-class family where academic and utilitarian values were emphasized. As a result, he didn't initially see himself pursuing creative fields. However, his interest in music, specifically playing the guitar and exploring different artists, led him to discover a passion for creative pursuits.

Q: What was the turning point where the speaker started exploring films?

The speaker's interest in films started to develop around the time he was in the 11th or 12th grade. He would spend a lot of time alone with his guitar and laptop, watching and downloading movies. This exploration opened his eyes to a whole new world of films beyond Bollywood, and he began watching classics and films from various countries.

Q: How did joining the theater society in college impact the speaker's life?

Joining the theater society in college was a significant turning point for the speaker. Despite his parents' reservations, he chose to explore this creative and subtle aspect of life. The experience of participating in rehearsals and being part of the theater society provided a meditative and relaxing escape from the academic pressures he had been accustomed to. This involvement in theater solidified his love for the creative arts.

Q: How did the speaker's parents react to his interest in acting?

Initially, the speaker's parents were surprised and skeptical when he expressed an interest in acting. They had expected him to follow a more traditional career path, such as joining academic societies or pursuing a corporate job. However, they ultimately supported his decision to explore his passion for acting and encouraged him to follow his dreams.

Q: How did the speaker balance acting with his corporate job?

When the opportunity to act in a film called "Guilty" came up around the time the speaker was graduating from college, he decided to take the chance. He approached his corporate job with the intention of juggling both acting and work. Surprisingly, his manager allowed him to do so, and he managed to balance both commitments. However, he realized that he needed to have a clearer long-term vision for his acting career.

Q: How did spirituality influence the speaker's career choices?

The speaker's brother introduced him to spirituality, and he explored various figures and teachings in the spiritual realm. Through this exploration, he came to the realization that he knew very little and that life's purpose and meaning could not be easily understood. This understanding fueled his determination to keep digging, exploring, and unraveling the depths of life and its creative possibilities.

Q: How does the speaker view the process of creativity and creation?

The speaker views creativity and creation as an ongoing process of uncovering and exploring what already exists in the world. He believes that everything has already been created in nature and the cosmos. Artists and creators merely explore and uncover different aspects of these existing creations. He emphasizes the importance of discipline, focus, and involvement in the process of uncovering and creating, regardless of whether it is in music, acting, directing, or any other form of artistic expression.

Q: How does the speaker approach his work and career choices?

The speaker approaches his work and career choices with a sense of exploration and curiosity. He doesn't take things too seriously but focuses on immersing himself in areas he genuinely enjoys. He believes in constantly digging and uncovering new aspects of life and creation, and he places more importance on what lies beneath the visible outcomes (the iceberg) rather than solely focusing on the end results.

Q: What advice does the speaker have for others finding their passion?

The speaker suggests that individuals who are trying to find their passion should keep digging and exploring. He recommends not getting too caught up in the visible outcomes but rather focus on uncovering what lies beneath the surface. By constantly exploring and embracing areas that resonate with them, individuals may uncover something worthwhile and create meaningful outcomes.

Q: What is the main takeaway from the speaker's journey?

The main takeaway from the speaker's journey is the importance of constantly digging and exploring different areas of interest. Rather than simply focusing on the visible outcomes, individuals should place more value on uncovering what lies beneath the surface. By immersing oneself in what they enjoy and resonates with them, they may find the purpose and meaning they seek.


The speaker's journey highlights the significance of embracing one's passions and constantly engaging in self-exploration. By focusing on personal growth, digging deeper, and uncovering what lies beneath the surface, individuals can find a sense of purpose and fulfillment in their lives. The willingness to explore different areas of interest and learn from mentors allows for continuous growth and development. Ultimately, the process of creation is about uncovering what already exists and finding meaning in the exploration itself rather than solely focusing on the end results.

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