EmpowerED: Embracing the Risk of Experiential Education | Geoff Baker | TEDxBangKhunThian | Summary and Q&A

September 28, 2023
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EmpowerED: Embracing the Risk of Experiential Education | Geoff Baker | TEDxBangKhunThian


Traditional education must adapt to prepare students for a rapidly changing world through experiential learning.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ“ Traditional education systems focus on memorization and standardized testing, hindering students' ability to innovate and adapt to change.
  • πŸ€” Experiential learning and skills-based thinking are crucial for preparing students to thrive in a rapidly evolving world.
  • πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ“ Collaboration and risk-taking are essential skills that must be cultivated in students to address complex global challenges effectively.
  • πŸ₯Ί Empowering students to be change-makers and innovators through experiential education can lead to meaningful impact on a global scale.
  • 😣 The success of students in facing global challenges rests on their ability to adapt, innovate, and collaborate effectively.
  • πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ“ The role of educators is not just to impart knowledge but to empower students to apply that knowledge in real-world contexts.
  • πŸ€” Education should focus on developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaborative skills to equip students for success in the future.


foreign doubles every two years as a result economic activity doubles in tandem five years transforming the nature of work Industries and education but amidst this shocking reality a startling truth emerges that 80 to 90 percent of all work will be augmented by some form of artificial intelligence in the coming few years now while it's true that ar... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does traditional education fall short in preparing students for the future?

Traditional education focuses on memorization and standardized testing, which do not foster creativity, risk-taking, or innovation essential in a rapidly changing world.

Q: What role does experiential learning play in equipping students for the future?

Experiential learning and skills-based thinking empower students to adapt, innovate, and collaborate in addressing complex global challenges effectively.

Q: Why is collaboration emphasized as a critical skill in the new educational paradigm?

Collaboration is key as it allows students to harness diverse perspectives, skills, and ideas to solve complex problems and drive meaningful change in the world.

Q: How can educators shift towards a more experiential and skills-based approach to education?

Educators can integrate experiential learning, project-based activities, and real-world simulations to equip students with the skills necessary for success in a rapidly evolving future.


In this video, the speaker discusses how the rapid pace of technological advancement is transforming the nature of work and education. They highlight the fact that a significant percentage of jobs will be augmented by artificial intelligence in the coming years, but question whether young people are being adequately prepared for this future. The speaker argues that traditional educational institutions focus largely on standardized testing and memorization, rather than fostering creativity, risk-taking, and innovation. They share their own experiences as an educator and advocate for experiential education as a way to empower students with skills-based thinking. The speaker also introduces their student-led initiative, Green Green International, which aims to address environmental issues through collaboration and action. They emphasize the importance of empowering students to be change makers and innovators in a rapidly evolving world.

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the speaker describe the impact of technological advancements on the nature of work and education?

The speaker states that technological advancements have caused the doubling of economic activity every two years, which in turn has led to the doubling of foreign music over five years. They also mention that 80 to 90 percent of all work will be augmented by some form of artificial intelligence in the coming years. While this is expected to create new jobs, the speaker questions whether the next generation will have the necessary skills to perform these jobs.

Q: How does the speaker criticize traditional educational institutions?

The speaker criticizes traditional educational institutions for focusing too much on standardized testing and memorization. They argue that these institutions do not foster creativity, risk-taking, and innovation. The belief that there is only one right answer to every question is outdated, and collaboration is often forbidden in major assessments. The decisions students make within the walls of a school can have a long-lasting impact on their lives, and mistakes are not seen as opportunities for growth and success.

Q: How does the speaker describe their own journey as an educator?

The speaker shares their experience of unexpectedly becoming an educator in Thailand without any prior knowledge, experience, or certification. They highlight how their confidence was built through experiential training and their ability to thrive in teaching world history and politics, subjects they had previously failed in high school. They further mention working in sustainable housing in South Africa, where they learned various skills and successfully facilitated housing modules to a group of young entrepreneurs. This journey eventually led them to become a certified educator with a vision for experiential education.

Q: What is the Green Green International organization?

Green Green International is the first student-led and internationally recognized organization that operates in four countries. It focuses on environmental issues specific to each country, such as renewable energy, single-use plastics, and marine life. The organization aims to bring together various stakeholders, teach students about environmental sustainability, and collaborate with organizations specialized in environmental and government awareness. Green Green International has gained attention and recognition through initiatives like climate strikes and participation in conferences and keynote speeches.

Q: What do the speaker's experiences as an educator teach them about the potential of students?

The speaker's experiences as an educator have taught them that students, when empowered with skills-based thinking, have the potential to accomplish anything. They observed that their students were often more ambitious, creative, thoughtful, and passionate than most adults they had worked with. Through experiential education and student-led initiatives, students can develop leadership skills, interact with new people, engage in unfamiliar situations, and become proactive change makers. The speaker believes that success as an educator lies in empowering students and creating a generation of innovators.


The speaker highlights the need for education to adapt to the rapidly changing world and adequately prepare students for the future. They argue that traditional educational institutions focusing on standardized testing and memorization do not foster the necessary skills for the emerging industries. Experiential education, collaboration, risk-taking, and creativity are key elements in empowering students to become change makers and innovators. The speaker's own journey and the success of initiatives like Green Green International demonstrate the potential of students when given the opportunity to learn through experience and take ownership of their learning.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The current education system fails to prepare students for the evolving future due to its focus on memorization and standardized testing.

  • Experiential education and skills-based thinking are essential in equipping students to thrive in a world dominated by technology and innovation.

  • Empowering students to be risk-takers, innovators, and collaborators is crucial for their success in addressing global challenges.

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