Emergency Investing Strategy – How to Invest the Rest of 2020 | Summary and Q&A

September 27, 2020
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA
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Emergency Investing Strategy – How to Invest the Rest of 2020


The upcoming week may be volatile for the market due to three major tipping points, including potential airline layoffs, lack of progress on COVID-19 stimulus, and important jobs reports. It is important to have a plan for investing during such uncertainty.

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Key Insights

  • 🖤 Layoffs in the airline industry and lack of progress on COVID-19 stimulus are significant factors that could impact the market.
  • 🧭 Congress needs to pass a continuing resolution to fund the government, adding to market uncertainty.
  • 🛄 Initial jobless claims and jobs reports will provide insights into the state of the economy, potentially affecting market sentiment.
  • 🍧 Having a well-defined investing strategy and being prepared for potential market downturns is essential.
  • 🎁 The upcoming week may present both challenges and opportunities for investors to navigate the markets effectively.
  • 🏛️ Diversification across asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate, can help reduce risk during volatile periods.


are live this uh sunday afternoon for another beer money sunday uh beer money live love doing these uh because you know it just gives me a chance to to reach out and and see uh talk to each of you in a more conversational level than we're able to do on the you know in the videos so let me know if you can hear me if i'm coming through and we will ge... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are the potential tipping points that could affect the markets this week?

The potential tipping points include imminent layoffs in the airline industry, lack of progress on COVID-19 stimulus, and jobs reports indicating the state of the economy.

Q: Why are airline layoffs significant?

The airline industry has previewed 40,000 layoffs if more bailout money is not approved. The potential job losses are a major concern and could impact the market.

Q: What is the outlook for COVID-19 stimulus?

There is uncertainty surrounding additional stimulus measures, as talks between House Democrats and the administration have stalled. This lack of progress could negatively impact the market.

Q: What can investors do during this uncertain period?

Investors can consider rebalancing their portfolios, using covered calls to protect their stock positions, holding some cash, and investing in bonds and real estate. Having a plan is crucial to navigate through this market volatility.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The upcoming week may bring significant market volatility due to potential layoffs in the airline industry and lack of progress on COVID-19 stimulus.

  • Congress needs to pass a continuing resolution to fund the government, and the lack of stimulus measures is a major concern.

  • Jobs reports on Thursday and Friday will provide insights into the state of the economy, with expectations of high initial jobless claims and lower-than-expected job creation numbers.

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