Edit Videos Faster With These 3 Video Editing Power Tips | Summary and Q&A

October 12, 2017
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
Edit Videos Faster With These 3 Video Editing Power Tips


Learn three tips to speed up your video editing process: streamline your filming, edit backwards, and focus on content first.

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Key Insights

  • 🎥 Streamlining your filming process by chunking down your videos into smaller sections can make editing faster and easier.
  • 👻 Editing backwards, starting from the end of your footage, allows you to quickly find the best takes and speed up the editing process.
  • 🧘 Prioritizing content editing before adding effects helps prevent wasting time on clips that may not be usable.


  • In this video you're gonna learn three things that are gonna massively speed up your editing process and we're starting right now. (Rap Music) What is going on? My name is Nick. Welcome to another video. If this is your first time here and you wanna learn how to grow your channel, make your videos, and all types of other Youtube-related stuff sta... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can I streamline my filming to make editing easier?

You can streamline your filming by breaking down your video into smaller sections or chunks. Only move on to the next section when you're satisfied with the last take, making editing faster and smoother.

Q: How does editing backwards save time?

Editing backwards means starting from the end of your footage and working towards the beginning. This allows you to quickly identify the best takes, as they will be the first ones you encounter, reducing the time spent searching for the ideal clips.

Q: Why should I focus on content first before adding effects?

By prioritizing content editing, you can remove bad takes and refine your footage, ensuring the overall flow of the video is smooth. Starting with effects or color corrections can waste time if there are issues with the content that make certain clips unusable.

Q: How does editing backwards affect the computer's processing load?

When you edit backwards, you first cut down your footage before applying effects. This relieves the computer's processing load because it does not have to continuously render effects for the entire timeline. It only needs to process them after the content has been trimmed.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Streamline your filming by chunking down your videos into smaller sections, ensuring you have clear and concise takes.

  • Edit backwards, starting from the end of your footage, to quickly identify and use the best takes.

  • Focus on content first by removing bad takes and refining your footage before adding effects and polishing your video.

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