Don't make the investor your customer. | Summary and Q&A

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Don't make the investor your customer.


The startup world is being infiltrated by conformists who prioritize investor approval, leading to a shift in motivations and approach.

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Key Insights

  • 💼 Many people entering the startup world are conformists who view investors as the highest status job and seek their approval and validation.
  • ✨ The motivations of conformist individuals entering startups often differ from what is typically expected in the entrepreneurial community.
  • 💡 Some conformists focus on pleasing investors rather than viewing them as potential customers, which can hinder their true potential.
  • 💭 These conformists often desire an investor-friendly idea, an investor-approved resume, and seek advice on the secret words to win investors over.
  • 💪 Entrepreneurs should prioritize building a customer-centric mindset rather than solely aiming to please investors.
  • 📈 Startups should focus on creating innovative solutions that provide value to customers, rather than trying to conform to investor preferences.
  • 🌟 Authenticity and a genuine passion for solving problems should be the driving force behind entrepreneurial ventures, rather than seeking investor approval.
  • 🚀 Embracing a non-conformist mindset can lead to more original and successful startup ideas that resonate with customers and investors alike.


these conformists are also now invading the startup world and I agree with you right the highest status job in the early stage shut up world is investor right it's the one everyone wants to meet everyone's talked to everyone seeks approval to and so for sure it makes sense right that that you know the logic follows but we also see a lot of these fo... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How are conformists infiltrating the startup world and what is their impact?

Conformists are entering the startup world, driven by a desire for investor approval and recognition, which results in a shift in motivations and behaviors. Rather than pursuing innovative ideas, their focus is on appealing to investors and aligning their actions accordingly.

Q: How does treating investors as customers differ from the usual approach in startups?

Treating investors as customers means conformists prioritize investor preferences and tailor their ideas and actions to gain their approval. This approach deviates from the traditional startup mentality, where founders focus on solving problems and creating value for customers rather than satisfying investors.

Q: Why do conformists seek the secrets to impress investors and gain their approval?

Conformists believe that by knowing the secret words or actions to impress investors, they can secure funding and credibility for their startup. They believe that investors' approval holds the key to success in the startup world, hence their eagerness to uncover these secrets.

Q: How do the motivations and starting points of conformists differ from typical startup founders?

Conformists entering the startup world often lack a genuine passion for problem-solving or creating innovative solutions. Their primary motivation is gaining investor approval and achieving the status associated with being a successful startup founder.

Q: What are the potential consequences of the influx of conformists in the startup world?

The influx of conformists could lead to a shift in the startup culture, with a focus on conformity and pleasing investors rather than on disruptive ideas and genuine innovation. This shift may hinder the overall progress and creativity of the startup ecosystem.

Q: How can the startup world address the issue of conformists seeking investor approval?

It is crucial for the startup community to emphasize the importance of genuine problem-solving and innovation rather than seeking investor approval. Educating aspiring founders on the true purpose of startups and the significance of creating value for customers can help combat the growing conformity.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The highest status job in the startup world is becoming an investor, attracting many conformists seeking approval and recognition.

  • Motivations and starting points of these conformists differ greatly from the traditional expectations of startup founders.

  • Conformists tend to treat investors as their customers, seeking to align their ideas and actions with what investors would like.

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