A Conversation with Elad Gil | Summary and Q&A

October 18, 2018
Y Combinator
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A Conversation with Elad Gil


A lot Gil, an experienced investor and startup founder, shares his insights on getting meetings with investors, raising money, finding product-market fit, and building a successful company.

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Key Insights

  • Networking and making connections is essential to raising money from investors.
  • The market and product-market fit are key factors in attracting investment.
  • Founders should be willing to pivot if necessary and restart completely in a new market.
  • Investors look for high calibre teams and ethical founders to invest in.
  • Pricing should be carefully considered, with regular update on pricing strategies.
  • Due diligence on investors is crucial, looking beyond their reputation to their actions and relationships with other companies.
  • Investor updates should be monthly and concise, focusing on clear goals and metrics.
  • Determining whether a "wall" is real or fake depends on market traction and customer response.
  • High growth and successful startups are often the result of a combination of market opportunity, a strong team, and efficient use of time and resources.


okay the ACS on we're good good morning everyone I am very happy to have my friend a lot Gil here you saw some of you or all of you if you looked online a talk yesterday about how to get meetings with investors and raise money if you would be so lucky as to get a meeting with this investor and even more lucky to raise money from him that would be a... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did A lot Gil get started in the tech industry?

A lot Gil moved to Silicon Valley after graduate school and had to network and offer to work for free to get his foot in the door of the tech industry. He emphasized the importance of perseverance and networking in the early stages of building a career.

Q: What are the three signs of product-market fit according to A lot Gil?

According to A lot Gil, three signs of product-market fit are: high retention on a broken product, major brands paying for a software-as-a-service (SaaS) product organically, and receiving strong customer feedback even from a small group of people.

Q: How often should startup founders send investor updates?

A lot Gil suggests sending monthly investor updates. He advises including sections on specific asks from investors, metrics (such as sales and burn rate), team updates, market updates, and any important press coverage or new product launches.

Q: How should startup founders choose their CEO?

A lot Gil suggests considering founders' strengths and weaknesses, market knowledge, and technical expertise when choosing a CEO. He also highlights the importance of having clear goals and direction within the team. It is essential to find someone who can balance product development, team management, and fundraising effectively.


In this video, investor and startup founder, Alok Ghosh, discusses his journey to becoming an investor, startup founder, and company whisperer. He shares insights on building a successful startup, finding product market fit, and fundraising.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Alok Ghosh get into the technology industry?

Alok moved to the Bay Area after graduate school, with no connections. He faced the challenging environment of the collapsing internet bubble. He networked and talked his way into a job at a startup, working for free to gain experience in technology.

Q: How did Alok Ghosh transition from being a startup founder to an investor?

After working at Google and Twitter, Alok started his own companies, Mixer Labs (acquired by Twitter) and Color Genomics. He gained experience in scaling companies and understanding different aspects of the startup journey. This led him to become an investor, where he could support and guide other founders.

Q: How does Alok Ghosh describe himself in terms of his roles in big companies and startups?

Alok sees himself as someone who is good at operating teams and driving efforts, regardless of the size of the team. He emphasizes the importance of being effective in both small and large teams. He also mentions the common practice of people transitioning between big companies and startups.

Q: What is the core focus in the early stage of a startup?

The most important thing in the early stage of a startup is building something that customers want, also known as product-market fit. This involves hiring the right people, raising money if necessary, and iterating rapidly to understand and meet customer needs.

Q: How can startups determine if they have found product-market fit?

There are several signs of product-market fit, such as high retention rates even if the product has flaws, major brands using and paying for the product organically, and strong customer feedback. Additionally, consistent growth, even from a small base, is a good indication of product-market fit.

Q: What are some common mistakes that startups make in the early stage?

One common mistake is waiting too long to pivot or make necessary changes. Startups may also tolerate underperforming team members for too long, which can slow down progress. It's important to assess and correct these issues early on.

Q: What are some key factors for startup success?

One of the most critical factors for startup success is being in a great market, as the market has a significant impact on a startup's chance of success. While having a great team is important, it's the market that ultimately determines the potential for growth and adoption.

Q: How should CEOs in early-stage startups spend their time?

In the early stages, CEOs should primarily focus on building and iterating the product, hiring the right people, ensuring adequate funding, avoiding conflicts with co-founders, and seeking product-market fit. Effective team management and achieving early traction are essential.

Q: How do startups decide on their CEO?

The choice of CEO can vary depending on the startup's dynamics and the skill sets of the founding team. In technical startups, it may be more suitable to have a technologist as the CEO. However, the choice of CEO can ultimately depend on the startup's specific needs and market positioning.

Q: When should startups consider pivoting?

Startups should consider pivoting when they encounter significant challenges or hit a wall. It's essential to assess whether the obstacle is due to a bad market fit or a wrong product. If a pivot is necessary, founders should be willing to restart the company completely and focus on product-market fit.

Q: How do startups get meetings with investors?

The best way to secure a meeting with an investor is through introductions from founders or individuals within your network. Networking is crucial for building connections with investors, just as it is for finding customers and hiring.


Building a successful startup requires a focus on product-market fit, which involves continually iterating and meeting customer needs. It's crucial to hire the right people, assess market fit, avoid wasting time and resources, and maintain a positive relationship with investors. Founders should also understand their role and determine the best fit for the CEO position. Ultimately, startups need to be in great markets to maximize their chances of success.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • A lot Gil shares his journey from a fresh graduate to a successful investor and startup founder in Silicon Valley.

  • He emphasizes the importance of networking, perseverance, and hand-to-hand combat to get started in the tech industry.

  • Gil talks about the significance of finding product-market fit and highlights the importance of building a strong team and managing resources effectively.

  • He also explains the role of CEOs in early-stage startups and provides advice on fundraising and investor relations.

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