Do Travel Writers Go to Hell? | Thomas Kohnstamm | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

May 13, 2009
Talks at Google
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Do Travel Writers Go to Hell? | Thomas Kohnstamm | Talks at Google


This content is a memoir of the author's experience transitioning from office life to becoming a travel writer and the challenges and insights he gained along the way.

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Key Insights

  • ✍️ Travel writing involves trade-offs and challenges, such as financial instability and the pressure to accept freebies.
  • πŸ—ΊοΈ The tourism industry can have both positive and negative effects on the developing world, and travel writers have a responsibility to consider these impacts.
  • πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬ Building personal connections and doing thorough research are essential for a more meaningful travel experience.


hell I'm pleas to present Thomas he going to talk about Travel wrers help to be very inter talk thank you very much it's a pleasure and an honor to uh be here at Google today i' like to first off thank David Bennett for making this possible and other David for the uh nice tour around it's a fascinating place where you all work um yesterday's inaugu... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What led the author to become a travel writer?

The author grew up traveling with his family and developed a strong attachment to the road. He fought against the decision to become a writer but eventually realized it was his true passion.

Q: How did the author's experiences in the tourism industry influence his perspective on travel writing?

Working in the tourism industry allowed the author to see the positive and negative effects of tourism on the developing world. This sparked his interest in exploring the impact of travel writing and the responsibility it holds.

Q: Did the author face any challenges or setbacks during his journey as a travel writer?

Yes, the author discusses the financial challenges of being a travel writer, which often involves low pay and the pressure to accept freebies from the tourism industry. He also encountered disillusionment and had to navigate the complexities of the travel industry.

Q: How does the author view the role of guidebooks in travel writing?

The author acknowledges the usefulness of guidebooks for basic information but emphasizes the importance of not relying solely on them. He encourages travelers to do their own research, talk to locals, and approach destinations with an open mind.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The author shares his background growing up with a love for travel and eventually making the decision to become a travel writer.

  • He discusses his experiences working for various travel publications and the challenges and opportunities he encountered in the industry.

  • The author reflects on the impact of tourism on the developing world and the trade-offs of pursuing a career in travel writing.

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