Do This Before the Stock Market Crash | Summary and Q&A

November 22, 2020
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA
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Do This Before the Stock Market Crash


The market is showing signs of short-term weakness, and this analysis offers insights on how to navigate it and protect your portfolio.

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Key Insights

  • 🖤 Short-term weakness in the market is expected due to increasing COVID-19 cases, lack of stimulus, and high unemployment.
  • 🤙 Protecting your portfolio with strategies like covered calls and bear spreads can help mitigate potential losses.
  • 🛢️ Consider the risks associated with investing in certain sectors, such as oil and retail, and balance your investments accordingly.


hey everybody bowtie nation out there thank you for being with me uh welcome to another one of these uh let's talk money these beer money sundays i've got mine um i hope you've got yours whether it's an adult beverage or whatever you want to uh drink there but thanks for again for just joining me on a on a sunday live stream uh just a great way to ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can I protect my portfolio from short-term market weakness?

One option is to sell covered calls on your stocks. This strategy allows you to generate income from the options premium while potentially limiting your upside.

Q: What are the potential risks to the market in the next few weeks?

Risks include the increasing COVID-19 cases and hospitalization rates, uncertainty around stimulus measures, high unemployment, and potential disappointing holiday retail sales.

Q: Should I consider investing in oil stocks for the recovery?

Oil stocks can offer short-term opportunities due to potential price increases, but long-term investments in the oil industry may face challenges from the rise of renewables. Evaluate your risk tolerance before investing.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The content discusses the short-term weakness in the market and provides trading ideas to play it, including selling covered calls and using bear spreads.

  • It highlights potential risks to the market, such as the increasing COVID-19 cases, lack of stimulus, high unemployment, and uncertainty around the holiday shopping season.

  • The content emphasizes the importance of weighing the risk and reward and positioning your portfolio accordingly.

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