Discord Ransomware | Summary and Q&A

July 22, 2021
The PC Security Channel
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Discord Ransomware


Discord and Slack are becoming primary threat vectors, surpassing email, due to their ease of running malware by simply clicking on a link or file.

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Key Insights

  • 🎯 Discord and Slack are being increasingly targeted by attackers, making them potential threat vectors in the cybersecurity landscape.
  • 👤 Malicious activity, such as hacking into user accounts, crashing computers, and spreading ransomware, can occur through these platforms.
  • 😷 Discord Nitro ransomware is a variant that asks for Discord Nitro subscription instead of traditional ransom payment methods.
  • 👤 User awareness and caution are crucial when using platforms like Discord and Slack to avoid falling victim to malware and cyberattacks.
  • 🥹 Regularly backing up data in detached formats and ensuring backups are up to date is essential for mitigating the impact of ransomware attacks.
  • 🥇 Cybersecurity measures should be in place to protect against potential vulnerabilities in software and applications.
  • ⌛ Platforms like Discord and Slack should focus on improving response times and implementing automated scanning for malware.


so have you been clicking on random discord files lately your funeral this is leo from the pc security channel and today we'll be talking about discord ransomware very specifically we've got a variant on the desktop right now that we'll be taking a look at but i also want to use this opportunity to talk about discord in general and i think we are s... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What makes Discord and Slack more vulnerable compared to email?

Unlike email, on Discord and Slack, users can run malware just by clicking on a link or file, without having to read or download anything.

Q: Can malicious activity on Discord be reported?

Yes, users can report malicious links on Discord to the trust and safety team, although response times may not be efficient. Moreover, it is still relatively easy to directly upload malware to Discord.

Q: How does Discord Nitro ransomware work?

Discord Nitro ransomware encrypts files and changes the desktop wallpaper to a Discord icon. The ransom note asks victims to provide a Discord Nitro subscription instead of Bitcoin as payment for decrypting files.

Q: Is the distribution of Discord Nitro ransomware widespread?

Currently, the distribution of Discord Nitro ransomware seems limited. However, it highlights the potential for malware development and distribution on platforms like Slack and Discord.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Discord and Slack are increasingly being targeted by attackers as new platforms for spreading malware.

  • Malicious activity on Discord servers and the emergence of links to Discord servers or Slack channels in threat feeds have been observed.

  • Discord Nitro, a variant of ransomware, encrypts files and asks for Discord Nitro subscription instead of Bitcoin as ransom.

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