DeepMind’s New AI Remembers 10,000,000 Tokens! | Summary and Q&A

April 6, 2024
Two Minute Papers
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DeepMind’s New AI Remembers 10,000,000 Tokens!


Gemini 1.5 Pro is an advanced AI assistant that can remember and recall vast amounts of information, making it incredibly helpful for tasks such as summarizing lectures, weightlifting sessions, and finding details in large documents.

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Key Insights

  • 💁 Gemini 1.5 Pro's ability to remember extensive information makes it an advanced AI assistant that can assist with various tasks.
  • 🤳 The quadratic computational and memory complexity of the transformer neural network's self-attention mechanism poses challenges for AI assistants like Gemini 1.5 Pro.
  • 🛟 Gemini 1.5 Pro's translation capabilities extend to endangered languages, potentially preserving cultural heritage.
  • 🚗 The development of Gemma offers a smaller and accessible version of the Gemini model that can be used on mobile devices.


We are living in the age of AI where  amazing smart assistants like ChatGPT   are popping up almost every day. They  can do amazing things like being a   personalized teacher and helping  you with assignments, homework,   they can write computer code, they can  be your assistant for daily planning,   you name it. But Google DeepMind’s Gemini 1.5 Pr... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Gemini 1.5 Pro's long context window benefit users?

The long context window allows Gemini 1.5 Pro to remember extensive amounts of information, making it useful for tasks such as summarizing lectures, generating book lists, and even tracking exercises in weightlifting sessions.

Q: What is the disadvantage of the transformer neural network's self-attention mechanism?

The self-attention mechanism exhibits quadratic complexity, causing significant delays in processing larger queries. For example, a query involving 10 times more data may take up to 100 times longer to process, which is not practical.

Q: Can Gemini 1.5 Pro accurately handle translations to endangered languages?

Yes, Gemini 1.5 Pro exhibited impressive translation capabilities, even with an endangered language like Kalamang. After being given a book on the language, it learned to translate at a level comparable to one of the active speakers.

Q: How does Gemini 1.5 Pro compare to the smaller model, Gemma?

Gemini 1.5 Pro has a larger context length and is more powerful, allowing for comprehensive information recall. Gemma, on the other hand, is a smaller and more accessible version that can be run on mobile devices but has limitations in context length and size.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Gemini 1.5 Pro has a long context window that allows it to remember long passages of text, enabling it to recall information from books, codebases, and even movies.

  • Users are utilizing Gemini 1.5 Pro for various tasks, including summarizing lectures, generating book lists, and assisting with weightlifting sessions by tracking exercises, sets, and reps.

  • The self-attention mechanism of transformer neural networks, which powers AI assistants like Gemini 1.5 Pro, suffers from quadratic computational and memory complexity, potentially causing significant delays when processing large amounts of data.

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