Deepica Mutyala: ON Entrepreneurship and How To Quit Your Job To Pursue Your Dreams | Summary and Q&A

September 10, 2021
Success Habits
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Deepica Mutyala: ON Entrepreneurship and How To Quit Your Job To Pursue Your Dreams

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In this video, Deepika Mutyala, CEO and Founder of Live Tinted, shares her remarkable journey of starting her own beauty brand and changing the way we think about beauty. She discusses the importance of taking risks, overcoming excuses, and the impact of representation in the beauty industry.

Questions & Answers

Q: What was the catalyst for Deepika starting her YouTube channel?

Deepika started her YouTube channel because she wanted to share beauty tips with her friends who frequently asked her for advice. She didn't overthink it and just took action by using her iPhone to create content.

Q: How did Deepika's second YouTube video go viral?

Deepika's second video about using red lipstick to mask dark circles went viral after it was picked up by Buzzfeed. It received millions of views and led to opportunities and recognition in the beauty industry.

Q: How did Deepika's background as an immigrant influence her career aspirations?

Deepika's parents had a specific vision of the American dream, which focused on education and careers in medicine. Deepika, however, wanted to do something different and saw beauty as a vehicle for self-expression and paving the path for others.

Q: How did Deepika's parents react when she quit her job to pursue her dream?

Deepika's parents were initially concerned when they found out she had quit her job without telling them. However, when Deepika's father discovered her passion and commitment, he gave her a check as an investment in her business, showing his belief in her.

Q: What advice does Deepika have for someone who wants to pursue their goals and dreams?

Deepika advises cutting out excuses and taking the first step towards your goals. She emphasizes the importance of starting, even if you don't have all the resources or knowledge, and using each step as a building block towards your ultimate vision.

Q: How did Deepika's experience in the beauty industry contribute to her success as a beauty influencer?

Deepika's ten years of experience in the beauty industry provided her with knowledge, skills, and a network in the field. This foundation allowed her to confidently transition from her corporate job to becoming a beauty influencer.

Q: How did Deepika's transition from being a beauty influencer to starting her own brand come about?

Deepika always had a desire to create something bigger than herself and change representation in the beauty industry. She wanted to build a brand that showcased a range of women and fostered inclusivity and diversity. Live Tinted became a movement to challenge beauty standards and make representation the norm.

Q: What is the ultimate goal of Live Tinted as a beauty brand?

The ultimate goal of Live Tinted is to change the faces seen in the beauty industry and challenge the idea of beauty. It's about creating a community and celebrating individuality and authenticity. The brand strives to make people feel good about themselves and provide a platform for diverse voices and experiences.

Q: Why did Live Tinted start with the issue of dark circles?

Live Tinted engaged with its community to determine the first beauty product to create and discovered that dark circles were a common concern shared by many. This brought Deepika's journey full circle as it connected back to her early red lipstick video and her personal experience with dark circles.

Q: What sets Live Tinted apart from other beauty brands?

Live Tinted sets itself apart by being more than just a beauty brand; it's a movement. The brand advocates for self-acceptance, celebrates diversity, and challenges unrealistic beauty standards. Live Tinted strives to be a platform where people can be themselves, with the product being secondary to the overall message.


Deepika Mutyala's journey from starting a YouTube channel to becoming the CEO of Live Tinted serves as a powerful example of taking risks and pursuing one's passion. Her story emphasizes the importance of starting, cutting out excuses, and continuously learning and adapting along the way. Additionally, she highlights the need for representation and diversity in the beauty industry and aims to redefine beauty standards through Live Tinted.

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