WIN THE WAR In Your Mind & Find PEACE TODAY | David Goggins & Jay Shetty | Summary and Q&A

December 31, 2020
Professional Athletes
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WIN THE WAR In Your Mind & Find PEACE TODAY | David Goggins & Jay Shetty

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In this video, David Goggins talks about the importance of facing our past traumas and going back to the root of our issues in order to fix them. He emphasizes the need for honest conversations with ourselves and taking ownership of our problems. Goggins also discusses the power of the mind and the importance of constantly evolving and not forgetting our roots.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Goggins realize that he was only fixing things on a surface level?

Goggins realized that he was only fixing things on a surface level when he encountered his first big challenge and felt like he was unable to overcome it. He understood that he needed to go deep into the cellar of his mind and address the foundation of his soul, which was broken due to his past traumas and fears.

Q: What were some of the demons Goggins had to face as he went back to his past?

Goggins had to face several demons from his past, including the abusive behavior of his father, growing up in a racially hostile environment, and dealing with his own insecurities and self-doubt. He had to relive traumatic experiences and confront the ways in which they had affected his mind and soul.

Q: How did Goggins start his journey of self-improvement?

Goggins started his journey of self-improvement at around 24 years old, when he realized that he needed to go back to his roots and confront his past. He went from 175 to almost 300 pounds and decided that he needed to face his demons. This involved going back to his father and addressing the damage that had been done in his childhood.

Q: How does Goggins suggest we start the process of going back to fix our problems?

Goggins suggests that we start the process by having honest conversations with ourselves and taking a hard look at where we currently are mentally, physically, and emotionally. This involves acknowledging the truth about ourselves and our situations, without sugarcoating or finding kind words to make ourselves feel better. It's about accepting the reality and taking ownership of our problems.

Q: Why does Goggins emphasize the importance of going back to our roots?

Goggins emphasizes the importance of going back to our roots because that is where everything starts. He believes that fixing ourselves requires addressing the root causes of our problems, rather than just dealing with the symptoms. By reconnecting with our origins and understanding how our past experiences have shaped us, we can make true progress in our personal growth and development.

Q: How does Goggins define the accountability mirror?

Goggins defines the accountability mirror as a tool for self-reflection and self-improvement. It involves looking at ourselves in the mirror and being brutally honest about our current state and the changes that need to be made. It's about taking full responsibility for our actions, our past, and our future, without making excuses or sugarcoating the truth.

Q: How does Goggins suggest we have honest conversations with ourselves?

Goggins suggests that we have honest conversations with ourselves by calling things as they are and not finding kind words to make ourselves feel better. This means acknowledging our flaws, weaknesses, and mistakes without judgment or self-criticism. It's about accepting the truth about ourselves and having the courage to address and fix our problems head-on.

Q: How does Goggins recommend staying true to our roots as we achieve success?

Goggins recommends staying true to our roots by not letting our success and achievements change who we are. It's about constantly reminding ourselves of where we come from and the values and principles that have guided us along the way. He encourages us to stay grounded and not lose ourselves in the noise and distractions of the world.

Q: Why does Goggins believe that many people resist going back to fix their problems?

Goggins believes that many people resist going back to fix their problems because they don't know-how. He suggests that people often don't have the tools or understanding of where to start on their journey of self-improvement. Additionally, the process of facing our past and making necessary changes can be difficult and uncomfortable, leading many to avoid it altogether.

Q: How does Goggins suggest we change our perception and beliefs about ourselves?

Goggins suggests changing our perception and beliefs about ourselves by challenging the narratives and stories we tell ourselves. He encourages us to question the limiting beliefs that hold us back and replace them with empowering beliefs that allow us to reach our full potential. It's about rewriting the story of who we are and what we are capable of.

Q: What is the main message Goggins wants people to take away from his teachings?

The main message Goggins wants people to take away is that the power to change and overcome our challenges lies within ourselves. He emphasizes the importance of having honest conversations with ourselves, taking ownership of our problems, and going back to fix the root causes. Goggins also encourages constant self-improvement and staying true to our values and principles as we achieve success.


The key takeaway from this video is the importance of going back to our roots and fixing the root causes of our problems. Goggins emphasizes the need for honest conversations with ourselves, taking ownership of our issues, and not sugarcoating the truth. He urges us to constantly evolve and not forget where we come from, staying true to our values and principles along the journey of personal growth and success.

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