DeepFake Detector AIs Are Good Too! | Summary and Q&A

October 12, 2019
Two Minute Papers
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DeepFake Detector AIs Are Good Too!


FaceForensics++ introduces an improved dataset and detector neural network to detect DeepFake videos, revealing the effectiveness of hiding DeepFake artifacts behind compression artifacts and the difficulty humans face in detecting DeepFakes.

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Key Insights

  • 🎮 DeepFake AIs introduce imperfections or artifacts to videos, similar to compression artifacts in internet videos, making it challenging to distinguish between the two.
  • 😘 Humans have a low success rate in detecting DeepFake videos, with some techniques, like NeuralTextures, effectively fooling human perception.
  • ✋ The research introduces an improved dataset and a detector neural network that can detect compressed DeepFakes and identify the tampering method with high accuracy.


Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers with Károly Zsolnai-Fehér. We talked about a technique by the name Face2Face back in 2016, approximately 300 videos ago. It was able to take a video of us and transfer our gestures to a target subject. With techniques like this, it’s now easier and cheaper than ever to create these deepfake videos of ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is FaceForensics++ and how does it improve upon the previous FaceForensics technique?

FaceForensics++ is a research paper that introduces an improved dataset and a detector neural network for detecting DeepFake videos. It builds upon the previous FaceForensics technique by offering more valuable insights and better detection capabilities.

Q: How effective is hiding deepfake artifacts behind compression artifacts?

The research shows that hiding deepfake artifacts behind compression artifacts is a successful strategy to fool both humans and detector neural networks. The detection accuracy drops significantly when going from high-quality videos to lower-quality ones with more compression artifacts.

Q: How well do humans fare in detecting DeepFake videos?

Humans have difficulty detecting DeepFake videos. The research shows that humans perform as well as a coin flip, indicating a low success rate in identifying DeepFakes. Techniques like NeuralTextures are especially effective at fooling humans.

Q: What is the significance of the detector neural network introduced in the paper?

The detector neural network introduced in the paper is highly powerful and can detect compressed DeepFake videos with remarkable accuracy. It can also identify the method used to tamper with the input footage, providing valuable information for further analysis and detection.

Q: What is FaceForensics++ and how does it improve upon the previous FaceForensics technique?

FaceForensics++ is a research paper that introduces an improved dataset and a detector neural network for detecting DeepFake videos. It builds upon the previous FaceForensics technique by offering more valuable insights and better detection capabilities.

More Insights

  • DeepFake AIs introduce imperfections or artifacts to videos, similar to compression artifacts in internet videos, making it challenging to distinguish between the two.

  • Humans have a low success rate in detecting DeepFake videos, with some techniques, like NeuralTextures, effectively fooling human perception.

  • The research introduces an improved dataset and a detector neural network that can detect compressed DeepFakes and identify the tampering method with high accuracy.

  • Spreading awareness about the existence of DeepFake techniques is crucial, and the author has made efforts to inform political and military decision-makers about the topic.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • FaceForensics++ builds upon the previous FaceForensics technique, offering an improved dataset for training a deepfake detector.

  • The research shows that hiding deepfake artifacts behind compression artifacts can fool humans and detector neural networks.

  • Humans have difficulty detecting deepfake videos, with various techniques proving effective in fooling their perception.

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