Dealing with a Ransomware Attack: A full guide | Summary and Q&A

December 18, 2019
The PC Security Channel
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Dealing with a Ransomware Attack: A full guide


Learn step-by-step methods to handle ransomware attacks, including isolating infected computers, using decryption tools, and alternatives to paying the ransom.

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Key Insights

  • 💻 Isolate infected computers in the network to prevent the ransomware from spreading to other systems.
  • 😒 Use free decryption tools like ID Ransomware to identify if your encrypted files can be decrypted.
  • 📁 Prioritize restoring files from backups and avoid paying the ransom if possible.
  • 👊 Seek professional help and consult with security researchers for guidance in handling ransomware attacks.


all right so you've been attacked by around somewhere every week I get Twitter messages Facebook messages emails from people saying hey I've been infected or my friend has been infected here's a picture of the encrypted files what can I do about it so this video is gonna be a full guide of dealing with ransomware we're gonna go step by step and I'l... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What should be the first step in dealing with a ransomware attack?

The first step is to isolate infected computers in the network to prevent the ransomware from spreading. This can be done by disconnecting the infected computer from the network or using a firewall to block ransomware traffic.

Q: How can I check if my encrypted files can be decrypted?

You can use the ID Ransomware website to upload a ransom note or an encrypted file. This website identifies the ransomware and informs you if there are decryption tools available for that specific ransomware.

Q: What should I do if my files cannot be decrypted?

If decryption is not possible, you should consider restoring your files from backups. Having offline backups is crucial for recovering from ransomware attacks. If backups are not available, professional help may be required.

Q: Is it recommended to negotiate with ransomware authors or pay the ransom?

It is not recommended to negotiate or pay the ransom as it supports the ransomware industry. However, if you find yourself in a situation where paying is the only option, it is advised to consult with security researchers and consider the risks involved.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • When dealing with ransomware, the first step is to isolate infected computers in the network to prevent further damage. This can be done by disconnecting from the network or blocking ransomware traffic using a firewall.

  • Check if your files can be decrypted using free decryption tools available online. ID Ransomware is a useful website where you can upload a ransom note or an encrypted file to identify the ransomware and determine if it can be decrypted.

  • In cases where decryption is not possible, the best options are restoring from backups or seeking professional help. Paying the ransom should be avoided as it supports the ransomware industry and may not guarantee the return of your files.

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