David Goggins: Win the Morning | Summary and Q&A

June 10, 2020
Lex Fridman
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David Goggins: Win the Morning


When facing difficult times, it is crucial to remember past accomplishments and maintain a clear mindset to push through.

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Key Insights

  • 💨 Enduring suffering is a crucial aspect of success that many people shy away from.
  • 🍉 Short-term challenges are different from long-term challenges, as the latter demands a higher level of mental strength.
  • 🍝 Reminding yourself of past achievements is essential during times of extreme suffering to sustain motivation.
  • ⏮️ Overcoming mental demons requires finding clarity and reflecting on previous accomplishments.
  • 🫷 Success is not achieved by avoiding pain and suffering but by pushing through despite the challenges.
  • ⏰ Morning resistance is common, but you can overcome it by focusing on your accomplishments and objectives.
  • 👨‍🎨 Having a clear mindset in times of extreme pain and suffering is challenging but necessary for success.


so I actually asked David what should I do when things get tough haha this is a good [ __ ] question manikin is going to get [ __ ] difficult day after day after day that's the thing about what you're doing right now that's that's challenging is a lot of the [ __ ] can sign up for the [ __ ] one-day event why don't we do a lot of these CEOs a lot o... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can I stay motivated when things get tough?

When facing tough times, it's crucial to recognize that suffering and challenges are part of the journey to success. By reminding yourself of past accomplishments and constantly pushing through, you can sustain motivation and overcome any obstacle.

Q: Why is the morning particularly challenging?

In the morning, your body may resist the demanding tasks ahead. It's important to win the morning by not allowing negative thoughts to penetrate your mind. Remind yourself of your accomplishments and push through despite initial resistance.

Q: How do successful individuals handle extreme physical pain and suffering?

During moments of intense pain, it can be challenging to maintain clarity of thought. Successful individuals rely on their "resume" of past achievements to remind themselves that they have endured and overcome difficult situations before. This reminder helps them to push through the extreme pain and suffering.

Q: What is the best way to overcome mental demons during challenging times?

When faced with mental demons, it's crucial to find a moment of clarity to remind yourself of your strength and resilience. Reflecting on past accomplishments and the hard work you have put in will help you overcome self-doubt and push through the challenges.

Q: How can I stay motivated when things get tough?

When facing tough times, it's crucial to recognize that suffering and challenges are part of the journey to success. By reminding yourself of past accomplishments and constantly pushing through, you can sustain motivation and overcome any obstacle.

More Insights

  • Enduring suffering is a crucial aspect of success that many people shy away from.

  • Short-term challenges are different from long-term challenges, as the latter demands a higher level of mental strength.

  • Reminding yourself of past achievements is essential during times of extreme suffering to sustain motivation.

  • Overcoming mental demons requires finding clarity and reflecting on previous accomplishments.

  • Success is not achieved by avoiding pain and suffering but by pushing through despite the challenges.

  • Morning resistance is common, but you can overcome it by focusing on your accomplishments and objectives.

  • Having a clear mindset in times of extreme pain and suffering is challenging but necessary for success.

  • Utilizing your past experiences and reminding yourself of your abilities can help overcome mental barriers.


In this video, David Goggins shares advice on how to push through tough times. He emphasizes the importance of mental strength and perseverance, especially when facing long periods of struggle and discomfort. Goggins highlights the need to win the morning, overcome self-doubt, and tap into past accomplishments to remind oneself of their capabilities.

Questions & Answers

Q: What makes it challenging to endure long-term hardships?

The difficulty lies in the fact that the mind can more easily process a few days of suffering compared to a month or longer. Many people only sign up for short events or challenges because they do not want to consistently suffer. However, for those like you who are embarking on a month-long journey, there will be days, especially in the mornings, when your body resists and wants to give up.

Q: How does David Goggins handle tough mornings?

Goggins admits that he doesn't instantly jump out of bed and get going when faced with the morning struggle. He often spends time looking at his shoes, getting something to drink, going to the bathroom, watching TV, or doing some work. The key is not allowing the resistance to seep too deeply into the mind and winning the battle within the first moments of wakefulness.

Q: How does Goggins suggest dealing with physical pain and suffering during the challenge?

When things get really tough, Goggins advises recalling one's resume of accomplishments. Many people forget what they have achieved and overlook the determination and effort they put into attaining past successes. It is crucial to remind oneself of the hard work and dedication invested in previous endeavors. This self-reflective process can reignite motivation and help push through physical pain.

Q: Why is it challenging to have clear thoughts during extreme suffering?

In the midst of intense pain and suffering, it becomes difficult to think clearly. The primary focus is on escaping the present suffering, making it challenging to mentally grasp past accomplishments. Goggins acknowledges this struggle but emphasizes the importance of taking a single second to lift oneself out of that suffering and foster a clear thought process. These fleeting moments of clarity can serve as reminders of past triumphs and reinforce the belief that one has the capacity to endure.

Q: What is the best reminder during times of extreme hardship?

According to Goggins, the best reminder is the demons within one's own mind. Although the pain and suffering may be unprecedented, the internal battles fought in the past can serve as a source of strength and motivation. By acknowledging and confronting these inner demons, one can find reassurance and the determination to persevere. The mind and body muster up resilience, reminding themselves that they have faced similar challenges before, albeit not in the same intensity.


Pushing through tough times requires mental fortitude and the ability to overcome self-doubt. Winning the morning is crucial to set the right tone for the day and prevent negative thoughts from taking hold. When faced with physical pain and suffering, it is essential to recall past accomplishments and remind yourself of the effort and dedication invested in achieving them. Clear thoughts during extreme suffering may be challenging to obtain, but taking even a fleeting moment to reflect on your capabilities can provide the motivation needed to continue. Ultimately, the demons battled within your own mind serve as the best reminder of your resilience and ability to press on.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Many people shy away from enduring suffering, but true success requires pushing through challenges.

  • CEOs and successful individuals often recruit people for short-term challenges, while long-term challenges demand a different level of mental strength.

  • In times of extreme pain and suffering, it is essential to revisit past achievements to sustain motivation and remind oneself of the ability to overcome.

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