Cheech is Not My Real Name... But Don't Call Me Chong! | Cheech Marin | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

May 1, 2017
Talks at Google
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Cheech is Not My Real Name... But Don't Call Me Chong! | Cheech Marin | Talks at Google


Cheech Marin discusses his upbringing, career as a comedian, and new ventures in the mezcal industry.

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Key Insights

  • 🛟 Cheech Marin's book, "Cheech is Not My Real Name," provides candid insights into his life, career, and personal experiences.
  • 🫚 The success of Cheech & Chong was rooted in their ability to connect with audiences, particularly the younger generation, and their unique blend of comedy and music.
  • 🥰 Cheech Marin's involvement in the mezcal industry and his passion for Chicano art reflects his ongoing commitment to his heritage and cultural roots.
  • 👶 Cheech Marin is constantly exploring new ventures and projects, embracing opportunities in the ever-evolving entertainment industry.


ALAN SEALES: In "Cheech is Not My Real Name," Cheech Marin writes candidly about growing up as a wise-cracking kid in South Central LA, resisting the draft, and his chance meeting with Tommy Chong, and how they formed one of the most successful comedy acts of all time. Breaking up, reuniting, and still performing together to this day. Please welcom... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why did Cheech Marin want to write his book, "Cheech is Not My Real Name"?

Cheech Marin was inspired to write his book after being approached by a literary agent who saw potential in his stories and offered him a deal.

Q: How did Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong come up with the name "Cheech & Chong"?

Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong were searching for a name for their comedy act and settled on "Cheech & Chong" after brainstorming various options. They felt that the name had a catchy rhythm and would be memorable.

Q: What led to the eventual split between Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong?

The tension between Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong grew over time, with disagreements about creative control and the division of responsibilities in their act. These differences became more pronounced as they ventured into movies and other projects.

Q: What new projects is Cheech Marin currently involved in?

Cheech Marin is actively working on various projects, including his mezcal brand called Tres Papalote, and writing a book of essays on the Latino experience. He is also exploring opportunities in the cannabis industry.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Cheech Marin reflects on growing up in South Central LA, resisting the draft, and forming the successful comedy act, Cheech & Chong.

  • He opens up about his decision to write his book, "Cheech is Not My Real Name," and the inspiration he received from an art agent.

  • Cheech Marin discusses the challenges and success of Cheech & Chong, as well as their eventual split and his solo career in the entertainment industry.

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