Can you solve the bridge riddle? - Alex Gendler | Summary and Q&A

September 1, 2015
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Can you solve the bridge riddle? - Alex Gendler


Four individuals must navigate a rope bridge in the dark, with limited time, to escape approaching mutant zombies.

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Key Insights

  • 🧟 The scenario involves a race against time to escape from mutant zombies.
  • 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 The bridge can only hold two people at a time, which adds to the challenge.
  • 👥 The group must strategize based on each individual's speed to maximize efficiency.
  • ❓ Cooperation and effective decision-making are crucial for a successful escape.
  • 💇 The timing and order of crossings are essential to ensure everyone is safely across before cutting the ropes.
  • 🎃 The presence of a lantern is necessary due to the darkness of the surroundings.
  • 💨 The fastest individuals are used for return trips to minimize time wastage.


Taking that internship in a remote mountain lab might not have been the best idea. Pulling that lever with the skull symbol just to see what it did probably wasn't so smart, either, but now is not the time for regrets because you need to get away from these mutant zombies fast. With you are the janitor, the lab assistant, and the old professor. Y... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the objective of the individuals in the scenario?

The individuals must all safely cross the bridge and cut the ropes before the mutant zombies catch up to them.

Q: How many people can cross the bridge at once?

Only two people can cross the bridge together.

Q: What challenges do the individuals face while crossing the bridge?

The individuals must contend with limited visibility, the need to hold onto the lantern to see, and the varying speeds of each person.

Q: How does the group successfully make it across the bridge in time?

They strategize by sending the fastest individuals across first, making return trips with the lantern, and having the slowest individuals cross together to minimize wasted time.


In this video, you find yourself in a remote mountain lab with mutant zombies on your tail. You need to escape across a rope bridge before the zombies catch up. However, the bridge can only hold two people at a time and the lantern you have barely illuminates the area. Can you figure out a way to get everyone across in time?

Questions & Answers

Q: How much time do you have to get everyone across the bridge?

The zombies will catch up in just over 17 minutes, so you only have that much time to escape.

Q: How long does it take for each person to cross the bridge?

You can cross in 1 minute, the lab assistant takes 2 minutes, the janitor takes 5 minutes, and the professor takes 10 minutes.

Q: Can more than two people cross the bridge at the same time?

No, the bridge can only hold two people at a time.

Q: Is it possible for someone to wait on either side of the gorge?

Yes, individuals can safely wait in the dark on either side of the gorge.

Q: What happens if the zombies catch up while people are still crossing the bridge?

The first zombie could step on the bridge and cause harm to those still on it, so everyone must be safely across before the zombies arrive.

Q: Can anyone cross the bridge without the lantern?

No, anyone crossing must either hold the lantern or stay right next to it.

Q: How can you ensure the slowest people don't waste too much time?

By having the two slowest people cross together, their combined time will be minimized.

Q: What is the strategy for getting everyone across in time?

The fastest person (you) and the lab assistant quickly run across with the lantern. After two minutes, both of you are across, and you run back with the lantern. The professor and the janitor then take the lantern and cross together, taking ten minutes. The lab assistant grabs the lantern, runs back across to you, and with two minutes left, you both make the final crossing.

Q: What happens once everyone is safely across?

As you step on the far side of the gorge, you cut the ropes and collapse the bridge, just in the nick of time.

Q: How does the video suggest avoiding such dangerous situations in the future?

Maybe it's a good idea to stick to the library next summer.


To effectively escape from the zombies within the given time constraints, you need to strategize and prioritize. By having the fastest people perform the return trips with the lantern, you can minimize the time wasted by the slowest individuals. It is crucial to have the two slowest people cross together, while the fastest individual performs the multiple return trips. By carefully coordinating and utilizing each person's speed, you can ensure everyone gets across the bridge safely before cutting the ropes and escaping in the nick of time.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • A group of individuals must escape mutant zombies by crossing a rope bridge.

  • The bridge can only hold two people at a time and has a time limit before it needs to be cut.

  • By strategizing and using the fastest and slowest members, the group successfully makes it across and cuts the ropes in the nick of time.

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