Schrödinger's cat: A thought experiment in quantum mechanics - Chad Orzel | Summary and Q&A

October 14, 2014
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Schrödinger's cat: A thought experiment in quantum mechanics - Chad Orzel


Schrödinger's Cat illustrates quantum superposition, leading to modern technology like computer chips.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Schrödinger's Cat illustrates the concept of quantum superposition, where particles exist in multiple states simultaneously.
  • 🐿️ Quantum superposition is essential for modern technology, enabling the development of computer chips and semiconductor devices.
  • 🥺 Electron superposition in materials allows for precise control over their properties, leading to advancements in semiconductor technology.
  • ❓ Understanding electron behavior in superposition states is crucial for developing materials with specific functionalities.
  • ❓ Superposition of electrons in semiconductors impacts their conductive properties, influencing the performance of electronic devices.
  • 🈸 Quantum phenomena like superposition have practical applications in the creation of advanced technologies.
  • 🎮 Semiconductor materials utilize electron superposition to control their conductive properties, enabling the development of electronic devices.


Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger is one of the founders of quantum mechanics, but he's most famous for something he never actually did: a thought experiment involving a cat. He imagined taking a cat and placing it in a sealed box with a device that had a 50% chance of killing the cat in the next hour. At the end of that hour, he asked, "What is... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is Schrödinger's Cat thought experiment?

Schrödinger's Cat is a theoretical scenario where a cat is simultaneously alive and dead until observed, showing the concept of quantum superposition.

Q: How does quantum superposition impact modern technology?

Quantum superposition allows for the development of technologies like computer chips, where electrons exhibit wave-like behavior to enable advanced functionalities.

Q: How do electrons spread out in semiconductors affect their properties?

Electrons shared among atoms in semiconductors create superposition states that determine their conductive properties, crucial for developing semiconductor devices like transistors and computer chips.

Q: What role does quantum mechanics play in the creation of the Internet?

Quantum mechanics, specifically concepts like superposition, enable the intricate control over electron behavior in semiconductor materials, leading to the development of technologies like computer chips, essential for the existence of the Internet.


Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger is famous for his thought experiment involving a cat, which highlights the concept of superposition in quantum physics. While it may seem absurd, the ability of quantum objects to exist in multiple states simultaneously is crucial for advancements in technology and the existence of computers.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is Erwin Schrödinger famous for?

Erwin Schrödinger is one of the founders of quantum mechanics, but he is most famous for his thought experiment involving a cat.

Q: What is the premise of Schrödinger's cat thought experiment?

Schrödinger imagined placing a cat in a sealed box with a device that had a 50% chance of killing the cat in the next hour. The question he posed was about the state of the cat at the end of the hour.

Q: How does quantum physics challenge common sense in Schrödinger's cat scenario?

According to quantum physics, before the box is opened, the cat exists in a state where it is both alive and dead simultaneously, a concept known as superposition. It is only upon observation that a definite state is revealed.

Q: Why did Schrödinger find quantum physics disturbing?

Schrödinger found quantum physics to be philosophically disturbing due to the concept of superposition and the way it challenges our everyday understanding of reality.

Q: What is the significance of Schrödinger's cat in reality?

Schrödinger's cat represents the concept of superposition, which is a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics. Quantum objects can exist in multiple states simultaneously, and this has practical applications in technology.

Q: How does superposition relate to the existence of computers?

Superposition allows for quantum objects, such as electrons, to exist in multiple states simultaneously. This property is harnessed in the creation of computer chips, where the precise control of electrons' shared state enables the functionality of computers.

Q: What is the relationship between wave behavior and everyday objects?

Everyday objects, including cats, do not exhibit wave behavior because their size and weight make their wavelength too small to be observed. Wave properties become noticeable for tiny particles like electrons.

Q: How is the dual nature of electrons demonstrated in an experiment?

Shooting electrons individually at a barrier with two narrow slits shows that each electron behaves like a particle, as it is detected at a specific place. However, observing the pattern of multiple detections reveals wave behavior, indicating that electrons go through both slits simultaneously.

Q: How does superposition play a role in chemical bonding?

Electrons near the nucleus of an atom exist in a spread-out, wave-like orbit. When two atoms are brought close together, the electrons can be shared between them instead of choosing one atom. This phenomenon allows for the formation of some chemical bonds.

Q: How does the superposition of states impact the behavior of electrons in a solid?

In a solid, electrons are not bound to specific atoms but rather shared among all of them, creating a gigantic superposition of states. This determines how electrons move through the material and influences properties such as conductivity and insulation.


Schrödinger's cat and the concept of superposition are not just abstract thought experiments but have tangible real-world implications. Superposition allows for the creation of computer chips, the basis of modern technology. Furthermore, it plays a crucial role in chemical bonding and the behavior of electrons in solids. Understanding and harnessing the dual nature of quantum objects opens up new possibilities for scientific advancements and technological innovations.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Schrödinger's Cat is a thought experiment showcasing quantum superposition, where the cat is both alive and dead simultaneously until observed.

  • Quantum phenomena like superposition are essential for the functioning of modern technology, enabling the creation of computer chips.

  • Understanding electron superposition in materials allows precise control over semiconductor properties, leading to the development of advanced technology.

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