Can we future-proof our communities by sharing skills with schools? | Cerys Keneally | TEDxNantymoel | Summary and Q&A

December 13, 2023
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Can we future-proof our communities by sharing skills with schools? | Cerys Keneally | TEDxNantymoel


Collaboration between individuals and schools can help provide extracurricular activities and support for children, leading to a healthier, more creative, and resilient future generation.

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Key Insights

  • 👶 Extracurricular activities outside of school can greatly benefit children's confidence and creativity.
  • 👪 Many children, particularly those from low-income families, are unable to access such activities due to financial constraints.
  • 👨‍🏫 Collaboration between individuals and schools can address this issue by providing opportunities for children to participate in extracurricular activities within school environments.
  • 👨‍🏫 Extracurricular activities in schools have the potential to enhance emotional well-being, foster creativity, improve environmental awareness, and promote physical activity.
  • 👶 Collaboration with schools can be done by individuals from various professions, leveraging their skills and passions to enrich children's education.
  • 👶 By collaborating with schools, individuals can make a positive impact not only on the lives of children but also on the future of their communities.
  • 🏛️ Building resilience, creativity, and entrepreneurial skills in the next generation can create a positive ripple effect in society.


there once was a shy little girl and this little girl was so shy that she didn't really enjoy school she didn't enjoy school because she didn't feel like she fitted in friendships were hard she didn't like speaking to adults and she felt quite misunderstood by her teachers anyway but this little girl had a whole of a life outside of school she did ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can extracurricular activities in schools benefit children's well-being?

Extracurricular activities in schools can enhance children's emotional well-being, provide opportunities for creativity, improve their connection to nature, and increase their physical activity levels.

Q: Why is collaboration important in enriching children's education?

Collaboration between individuals and schools allows for the sharing of skills and resources, providing children with a wider range of opportunities and helping them thrive in various areas of their lives.

Q: How can individuals from different professions collaborate with schools?

Individuals from various professions, such as activity or service providers, tradespeople, business owners, therapists, entertainers, artists, and authors, can collaborate with schools by offering their skills and expertise in areas such as nutrition, film, mindfulness, entrepreneurship, gardening, public speaking, cognitive development, and financial literacy.

Q: How can collaboration with schools create a positive ripple effect in the community?

By enriching children's education and providing them with valuable skills, collaboration with schools can contribute to the development of resilient and responsible citizens, leading to safer, creative, and environmentally conscious communities in the future.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • A shy little girl with undiagnosed ADHD struggled in school but found confidence and creativity through extracurricular activities outside of school.

  • Many children, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, are unable to access extracurricular activities due to financial constraints.

  • Collaboration between individuals and schools can bridge this gap and provide children with opportunities for creativity, emotional well-being, environmental awareness, and more.

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