C Programming Language | Brian Kernighan and Lex Fridman | Summary and Q&A

July 19, 2020
Lex Fridman
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C Programming Language | Brian Kernighan and Lex Fridman


The C programming language had a lasting impact due to its expressiveness, efficiency, and compatibility with Unix, leading to the writing of a definitive book that popularized the language and set a standard for its usage.

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Key Insights

  • 📚 The C programming language is considered one of the most important languages in the history of programming due to its impact and long-lasting effects. It found a sweet spot in terms of expressiveness and efficiency, which was particularly important when computers were less powerful, and it came with the portable environment of Unix.
  • ☑️ The book on C programming written by Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan not only popularized the language but also created a standard for its usage and application. The timing, skill, and luck involved in writing the book, as well as being the first comprehensive guide, played a significant role in its success.
  • 🌟 The power of examples in programming is immense. A good example not only teaches you how to do something but also serves as a representation of similar tasks you may encounter. The C book chose simple and practical examples, such as text processing problems common in Unix, that allowed programmers to understand the core concepts and modify them to fit their needs.
  • 🔧 Programming books often fall short in providing realistic and useful examples. While syntax is important, it is equally crucial to demonstrate how to perform useful tasks that programmers encounter in real-world scenarios. The aim of the C book was to provide examples that felt genuinely useful and representative of what programmers actually wanted to achieve.
  • ️ Timing played a crucial role in the success of the C programming language and its associated book. When the book was released in 1977, Unix was starting to spread, and C was becoming available on various computer systems, not just Unix-based ones. Being the first comprehensive guide from authoritative sources gave the book an advantage and initiated a cycle of followers.
  • 🖌️ Dennis Ritchie's expertise as the creator of the C language and his exceptional writing skills contributed significantly to the success of the book. His ability to convey complex information with crystal clear prose in the reference manual, combined with Brian Kernighan's expository material, made the C book well-structured and understandable for readers.
  • 🪄 The C programming language and its associated book had a positive cycle of influence. Unix being written in C made it highly portable, allowing programs written in C to run on all Unix systems. This compatibility and the availability of tools added to the overall appeal and impact of C, reinforcing its popularity and usage.
  • 💡 The enduring impact of C can be attributed to a combination of factors, including its expressiveness, efficiency, and Unix environment. C provided a way to write code naturally while maintaining efficiency, and its compatibility with Unix systems made it widely accessible. This combination of qualities created a lasting impact on the programming language landscape.


so what's to use you wrote a book c programming language what and c is probably one of the most important languages in the history of programming languages if if you kind of look at impact what do you think is the most elegant or powerful part of c why did it survive why did it have such a long lasting impact i think it found a sweet spot that in o... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What factors contributed to the long-lasting impact of the C programming language?

The C programming language's impact can be attributed to its combination of expressiveness, efficiency, and compatibility with Unix. This allowed programmers to write programs in a natural and efficient way that could be used on all Unix systems, making it widely adopted and influential.

Q: What made the book on C programming language definitive and popular?

The book on C programming language, written by Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan, became definitive and popular due to its timing, the authoritative nature of the authors, and the quality of the content. Being the first book on C, it set the standard for how the language should be used and applied.

Q: How did the examples in the book contribute to its usefulness?

The examples in the C programming language book were carefully chosen to be representative of common text processing problems in Unix. They provided practical guidance on how to accomplish tasks and allowed programmers to modify the core parts of the examples to suit their needs, making the examples both realistic and useful.

Q: What is the power of examples in programming?

Examples in programming serve the purpose of illustrating how to perform certain tasks and guiding programmers in the right direction. They provide a framework for understanding and adapting code to solve similar problems. Realistic and useful examples enhance the learning experience by demonstrating the practical application of programming concepts.


In this video, the creator of the book "The C Programming Language" discusses the impact and lasting influence of the C programming language. He highlights the language's combination of expressiveness and efficiency, which was particularly important in the early days of computing. He also mentions the importance of the Unix environment in promoting the use of C. The video then delves into the process of writing the book, emphasizing its popularization of the language and establishment of a standard for its usage. The power of examples in programming is also discussed, with the creator emphasizing the importance of realistic and useful examples for learners.

Questions & Answers

Q: What made C one of the most important programming languages in history?

C found a sweet spot in terms of expressiveness and efficiency, making it useful for writing programs in a natural and efficient way. This was especially valuable at a time when computers were not as powerful as they are today. Additionally, C's association with the Unix environment further contributed to its widespread adoption, as all Unix computers were written in C.

Q: What factors contributed to the success of the book "The C Programming Language"?

The success of the book can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, its timing was opportune, as Unix was beginning to spread and C was gaining popularity on various computer systems. Secondly, the book filled a gap in the market, as there were no other books on C at the time. Moreover, the author, being authoritative as the creator of C, and his collaborator contributed to the quality of the book. The clear prose of the reference manual, written by the creator, added to its effectiveness.

Q: Why did you prioritize providing examples in the book?

Examples in programming books serve as guides, showing learners how to accomplish certain tasks and providing a foundation for further exploration. The C book focused on selecting examples that were representative of common text-processing problems in Unix. By presenting these examples, readers were able to grasp the core concepts and customize them according to their needs. Practicality was emphasized, aiming to showcase how to read input, perform operations, and output formatted data.

Q: What is the power of examples in programming?

Examples in programming serve as practical demonstrations of how to achieve specific tasks, providing learners with a clear path to follow. A good example not only shows how to complete a particular task but also serves as a representative of similar tasks within a particular domain. By using realistic and useful examples, learners can gain a better understanding of how to apply programming concepts in real-world scenarios, helping them feel a sense of usefulness and accomplishment.

Q: What distinguishes a good programming example from a poor one?

A good programming example should not solely focus on syntax or basic operations, but rather demonstrate how to handle realistic problems and achieve meaningful outcomes. Merely displaying a syntax demonstration, such as adding three numbers together, is often unhelpful. Instead, a good example should guide the reader on how to input the numbers into the computer, perform a useful operation, and output the result in a well-formatted manner. The aim is to provide learners with genuinely applicable and valuable knowledge.

Q: How do practical examples in programming books enhance the learning experience?

Practical examples in programming books go beyond teaching syntax and technicalities, offering readers a real-world context in which to apply their knowledge. By following an example that feels useful and applicable, learners can see the potential of programming in solving problems and achieving tasks. This creates a sense of motivation and engagement, helping them connect theory with practice and fostering deeper understanding and skill development.

Q: Can you elaborate on the process of writing the C book and selecting examples?

The process involved collaboration between the author and the creator of C. The creator wrote the highly regarded reference manual, while the author focused on creating expository material and selecting examples. Careful thought was given to choosing examples that were both representative of common text-processing problems and easy for learners to grasp. The goal was to provide readers with an understanding of the core concepts and the ability to modify the examples according to their specific needs.

Q: How did the C book popularize the language?

The C book played a significant role in popularizing C by being one of the first comprehensive resources available on the subject. Being published at a time when the language was gaining traction, the book set a standard for C usage and became a go-to reference for learners, professionals, and educators. Its clear presentation and authoritative nature made it a valuable resource, contributing to the widespread adoption and recognition of C as a programming language.

Q: Was writing the C book driven by ambitions to make it definitive and establish standards?

The decision to write the C book was not motivated by ambitions to make it definitive or establish standards. It was more of a fortunate coincidence resulting from timing, skill, and luck. While the book did become a definitive resource on C, this was not the initial intention. The author and the creator of C seized the opportunity to write the book when the language was gaining prominence and there was a lack of comprehensive materials available. The high quality and authoritative nature of the book helped it become the standard for C programming.

Q: What qualities did the C language possess that contributed to its lasting impact?

The C language's lasting impact can be attributed to its combination of expressiveness and efficiency, making it suitable for writing programs in a natural and resource-efficient manner. This was particularly crucial during a time when computers had limited capabilities, with its efficiency allowing programs to run effectively even on less powerful machines. Additionally, the portability of C in the Unix environment played a significant role in its wide-ranging usage. The compatibility of C with multiple computer systems and the availability of Unix tools made it a practical choice for developers.


The C programming language had a profound impact on the history of programming, owing to its combination of expressiveness and efficiency. It found a sweet spot in terms of allowing natural and efficient program writing, making it especially valuable in the early days of computing. The association of C with the Unix environment further propagated its popularity. The success of the book "The C Programming Language" can be attributed to its timing, authoritative references, and emphasis on practical examples. By providing realistic and useful examples, learners were able to gain a deeper understanding and relevance in their programming journey.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The C programming language became influential due to its combination of expressiveness and efficiency.

  • The compatibility of C with Unix allowed programs written in the language to be used on all Unix systems.

  • Writing a definitive book on C programming language set a standard and popularized the language.

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