July 18, 2014
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The content provides a quick update on the books read, challenges completed, and future plans for the BookTubeathon readathon.

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Key Insights

  • 😑 The content creator expresses confusion about the decision to split a book into a duology.
  • 🫠 They show excitement about reaching a total of 1,260 pages read during the BookTubeathon.
  • 🎮 The content creator highlights another BookTuber's excellent work in completing video challenges and recommends checking out their videos.
  • 🫠 They plan to switch from reading "A Monster Calls" to "The Warrior Heir" to satisfy their fantasy reading mood.


hey guys today you're getting super lazy Jessie because I can't be bothered I had a pretty successful reading day again which is awesome I was able to finish perfect Lies by Kirsten White I cannot find the dust jacket anywhere for the life of me right now my room is a mess so that's probably why but I read this and I kind of have the same feelings ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why does the content creator think that "Perfect Lies" could have been one book instead of a duology?

The content creator believes that combining the two books, both around 230-240 pages, would have worked fine as a single 500-page book. However, they express confusion about why the decision was made to split it into two parts.

Q: Which book did the content creator enjoy the most from the ones mentioned?

The content creator does not provide a clear answer to this question as they focus more on discussing the challenges and other BookTubers' videos.

Q: What is the video challenge mentioned in the content?

The video challenge involves creating a short story using the book titles read so far during the BookTubeathon. The content creator mentions that they are not prepared for this challenge and instead recommends checking out another BookTuber's scene reenactment video.

Q: What book does the content creator plan to read next?

The content creator originally planned to continue reading "A Monster Calls" but changed their plan to start reading "The Warrior Heir" by Cinda Williams Chima, as they are in the mood for fantasy.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The content creator finished reading "Perfect Lies" by Kirsten White and started reading "A Monster Calls" by Patrick Nes.

  • They express confusion about the decision to split "Perfect Lies" into a duology and share their progress of reading 215 pages in total.

  • The content creator discusses the video challenge of creating a short story with the book titles read so far and recommends checking out another BookTuber's video for a reenactment of a scene from "The Fifth Wave."

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