BOOKS I'VE READ RECENTLY | #12 | Summary and Q&A

August 8, 2018
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A book reviewer discusses four recently read books, highlighting their strengths, weaknesses, and overall ratings.

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Key Insights

  • 🖤 Tempus and Slaughter excels in character development and world building, but lacks a strong overarching plot.
  • ❓ Phantom Limbs offers emotional depth and a mystery element, but fails to address and resolve a character flaw.
  • ❓ Under Rose Tinted Skies provides a realistic portrayal of mental illness and a positive mother-daughter relationship.


what up reader fam today i'm bringing you another video in my books i've read recently series it's been a while since i've done one of these and i'm excited to share my thoughts on some books i've read recently so without further ado let's get started first up here i have tempus and slaughter by tamara pierce this was the booksplosion book of the m... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What makes Tempus and Slaughter a character-driven book?

Tempus and Slaughter focuses on the development of the main characters, Aaron, Orzone, and Varis, as they navigate training to become mages and also face normal life challenges, like puberty and friendships.

Q: What is the main flaw in Phantom Limbs?

Phantom Limbs fails to resolve a character flaw involving possessiveness and ownership in relationships, perpetuating a harmful mindset without providing a solution.

Q: How does Under Rose Tinted Skies handle the depiction of mental illness?

As an own voices novel, Under Rose Tinted Skies realistically portrays the struggles of OCD, panic attacks, and agoraphobia, providing readers with a better understanding of these conditions.

Q: What is noteworthy about Labyrinth Lost's representation of Latin American culture?

Labyrinth Lost incorporates Latin American culture in its world building, utilizing terminology and cultural elements to create a unique and interesting setting.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Tempus and Slaughter by Tamara Pierce: A character-driven book with a well-built world and magic system, but lacking in plot.

  • Phantom Limbs by Paula Garner: With emotional punches and a mystery element, this book falls short in resolving a character flaw and revealing the mystery.

  • Under Rose Tinted Skies by Louise Gornell: An own voices novel depicting mental illness realistically, with a refreshing mother-daughter relationship.

  • Labyrinth Lost by Zareta Cordova: Offers Latin American culture and strong family dynamics, but lacks immersive world building and has repetitive lines.

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