February 10, 2020
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Join Jessie the reader as he navigates through bookish weirdness, discusses recent book pickups, reacts to cringy bookish pick-up lines, and reflects on his first impressions of favorite books.

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Key Insights

  • 👯 "The Gravity of Us" explores the impact of social media and how it can be both a negative and positive force in people's lives.
  • 🌍 The Mortal Instruments graphic novel adaptations offer a refreshing take on the original series, with improved humor and world-building.
  • 🫥 Cringy bookish pick-up lines can range from amusing to ineffective, depending on the audience and delivery.
  • 🏃 Reflecting on first impressions of favorite books can be an interesting exercise, as initial assumptions may evolve over time.
  • ⚾ Understanding that we can never truly know someone based on what they show on social media is important.
  • 📔 "The Gravity of Us" and other books discussed demonstrate the diversity of genres and themes that can be explored in the bookish community.
  • 🫥 Pick-up lines, although often cringy, can also be a lighthearted and comical way of engaging with others.


it's storm in books it's rain in books it's lightning books actually lightning in books is not a good mix welcome back to book storm the series on my channel where I guide you through a bookish storm today's episode is gonna be jam-packed with bookish weirdness as it always is so grab your umbrellas and let's take a stroll through a bookish storm a... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is "The Gravity of Us" by Phil Stamper about?

"The Gravity of Us" follows Cal, a social media journalist, whose life is turned upside down when his pilot father is selected for a highly publicized NASA mission. The book explores the impact of social media and the challenges Cal faces in his blossoming relationship with a boy named Leo.

Q: How do the Mortal Instruments graphic novel adaptations differ from the original series?

The graphic novel adaptations provide a fresh and more enjoyable take on the story. They have improved humor, lighter world-building, and offer a different perspective on the original series, making them a great option for readers who struggled with the initial books.

Q: What are some cringy bookish pick-up lines that were discussed?

Some of the cringy bookish pick-up lines included: "You must be a library book because I can't stop checking you out," "If you were a book, I'd need glasses because you definitely be fine print," and "Do you play Quidditch? Because you sure are a keeper."

Q: How does Jessie reflect on his first impressions of favorite books?

Jessie reflects on his initial impressions of books like "The Final Empire" by Brandon Sanderson, "We Were Liars" by E Lockhart, and "Jonathan Livingston Seagull." He discusses being pleasantly surprised by the ease of getting engrossed in the world of "The Final Empire," the dreamlike tone and mysterious nature of "We Were Liars," and his initial hesitations about reading a book from a bird's perspective in "Jonathan Livingston Seagull."

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Jessie discusses his recent book pickups, including "The Gravity of Us" by Phil Stamper, a contemporary story that explores the impact of social media on a character's life.

  • He recommends the Mortal Instruments graphic novel adaptations for readers who struggled with the original series, as they provide a fresh and more enjoyable take on the story.

  • Jessie reacts to cringy bookish pick-up lines submitted by his Instagram followers, examining their humor and effectiveness in amusing or attracting someone.

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