Book Haul | #18 + GIVEAWAY! | Summary and Q&A

October 4, 2013
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Book Haul | #18 + GIVEAWAY!


In this book haul, Jesse the reader shares his excitement about recent book purchases, including Coraline, Shadow and Bone, Asylum, Dying to Know You, The Book of Lost Things, The Uprising, and Pathfinder.

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Key Insights

  • 🎮 Jesse is a fan of Miley Cyrus and references her song lyrics in the beginning of the video.
  • 🫠 He is excited about reading more books by Neil Giman.
  • 🫠 Jesse enjoys reading dystopian and contemporary genres but wants to explore more fantasy books.
  • 🖼️ He is drawn to books with creepy pictures and settings, especially during the Halloween season.
  • 📔 Jesse praises the book Dying to Know You and believes it is an underrated young adult book.
  • ❓ He highly recommends The Book of Lost Things and believes every reader should give it a chance.
  • 🫠 Jesse expresses disappointment with cover changes for The Uprising but still looks forward to reading it.


hey there so I bought books because we can't stop we won't stop this is our house this is our okay no no this is not a Miley Cyrus video this is a Jesse the reader video so let's get on with the book haul shall we the first book I got is Coraline by Neil giman I've been wanting to read more Neil giman so I thought that I would pick up Coraline beca... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Which book did Jesse purchase to read during the Halloween month?

Jesse purchased Coraline by Neil Giman to read during the Halloween month, as he loves the film adaptation and hopes the book is even better.

Q: Why did Jesse decide to pick up Shadow and Bone?

Jesse decided to pick up Shadow and Bone because his friend Reagan talks about it a lot, and he wants to explore the fantasy genre more.

Q: What interested Jesse about Asylum?

Jesse was interested in Asylum because of its creepy pictures and the fact that the story takes place in an abandoned asylum, making it a perfect read for Halloween.

Q: What is Dying to Know You about?

Dying to Know You is about a boy named Carl who is dyslexic and seeks help from his girlfriend's favorite author to express his feelings through writing.

Q: What is the theme explored in The Book of Lost Things?

The Book of Lost Things explores the power of books as a source of comfort during difficult times.

Q: What is special about The Uprising?

The Uprising is the second book in The Forsaken Trilogy, and Jesse loved the first book, making him excited to continue reading the series.

Q: What book is Jesse giving away on his Subblime page for Halloween?

Jesse is giving away a Harry Potter house tie on his Subblime page for Halloween, allowing the winner to choose their preferred house.

Q: What website did Jesse recommend signing up for to enter his giveaways?

Jesse recommended signing up for a website called Pulit to enter his giveaways, and he mentioned holding many giveaways on that platform.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Jesse the reader is excited about adding more Neil Giman books to his collection and is particularly looking forward to reading Coraline during the Halloween season.

  • He wants to explore the fantasy genre more and purchased Shadow and Bone, which has been recommended by his friend Reagan.

  • Asylum caught his interest due to its creepy pictures and setting in an abandoned asylum, making it a perfect Halloween read.

  • Dying to Know You is a book about a dyslexic boy and his relationship with an author who helps him express his feelings through writing.

  • The Book of Lost Things is a book that Jesse believes every reader should experience, as it explores the power of books during difficult times.

  • The Uprising is the second book in The Forsaken Trilogy, and Jesse is excited to continue reading the series after enjoying the first book.

  • Jesse has an ongoing giveaway on his Subblime page, where he is giving away a Harry Potter house tie for Halloween.

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