BOOK EXPO AMERICA 2014 | Summary and Q&A

June 8, 2014
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A book lover shares their experience at BookExpo America (BEA) and BookCon, including meeting authors, attending panels, and connecting with fellow booktubers.

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Key Insights

  • 🍂 The Cassandra Clare event at BEA fell short of expectations, with minimal engagement from the author and repetitive reading sessions.
  • ❓ Attending author panels and meeting fellow booktubers enhanced the content creator's experience at the conventions.
  • 🥰 The booktuber meetup at BookCon was an overwhelming and surreal experience for the content creator, who felt grateful for the support and love from their followers.
  • 👊 The content creator enjoyed getting to know and chat with authors such as E. Lockhart and A.S. King during the conventions.
  • 👾 Despite some disappointments and crowded spaces, overall, the content creator had a positive and memorable experience at BEA and BookCon.
  • 🎥 Collaborative videos were filmed during the conventions, with the content creator admitting to feeling low on energy during some recordings.


hello everybody today i'm going to be talking about my bea and bookcon experience now i go to these events with the mindset that i'm going to be filming all of the things but then you know i end up filming next to nothing but here's a montage of the footage that i did get throughout the week me uh so i arrived in new jersey around 4 30 and i was re... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What did the content creator find disappointing about the Cassandra Clare event?

The content creator felt that Cassandra Clare spoke very little throughout the night, and the event mainly consisted of reading passages from previous books, which the attendees had already read.

Q: How did being sick affect the content creator's experience at the event?

Being sick made it difficult for the content creator to fully enjoy the event, as they were coughing and could hardly hear what was being said. Despite this, they managed to meet several fellow book lovers.

Q: What panels did the content creator's friends participate in?

The content creator's friends participated in panels on podcasting, video blogging, and booktubing. Ariel moderated a panel titled "How video blogging changed the game."

Q: Which authors did the content creator meet at BookCon?

The content creator met authors such as E. Lockhart and A.S. King. They had interesting conversations with A.S. King and even took pictures together.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The content creator attends a Cassandra Clare book release party at BEA but finds it disappointing due to lackluster Q&A sessions and being sick during the event.

  • The content creator meets several fellow booktubers and readers, which makes their experience much better.

  • They attend panels at BEA, highlighting video blogging and booktubing, and enjoy meeting authors such as E. Lockhart and A.S. King.

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